Chapter 2: The Warning

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Chapter 2

"Why do you even talk to that snob?" Jenetra asks me. 

"Because she's perfect. It's rare a girl like her would like a loser like me." I reply.

"True. But she's dangerous.  I can smel-uh see it in her. I would be careful. Siala's probably using you." Jenetra says.

"You're just jealous."

"Shut up, Carper, before I use your damned head as a soccer ball." She says with a shy smile and gestures me to walk with her to class.  The bell rings, and we run in.

Jenetra and I walk into class, and take our seats besides each other. Siala turns around and frowns at Jenetra, but winks at me. She only winks when she's trying to lure me back. Siala licks her lips, and I notice that she's wearing blood red lipstick. Jenetra catches me staring at her, and elbows me in the side. I silently laugh and class starts, because the teacher was late.

Siala pulls out her phone. She started to text me.

Sialagurl500: Why do you hang out with that tramp?

Mynameistheepicliamz: Because. 

Sialagurl500: Because why?

Mynameistheepicliamz: Because I've known her since I was 4.

Sialagurl500: She better watch out.

Mynameistheepicliamz: Siala......

Sialagurl500: mwahahahah..... LOL just kidding

Mynameistheepicliamz:  haha. Just don't hurt Jenetra. 

Sialagurl500: Whatever. She better stay away.

The teacher must've asksed me a question, because everyone was staring at me, even Siala. Jenetra elbowed me again.  The teacher walked over to me and handed me a detention slip. There goes my friend date with Jenetra. Now Siala had a scary smirk on her face. I was worried now. What's she up to? 

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