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"Finally a weekend away from all things that bother us in life." Mark said. "I just want it to be just us, nobody else, having a good time."

"Nobody else is gonna come here but us." Sean said. "I can assure you that."

"Let's hope that's true." Wade said as Sean opened the door.

" our new cabin." Sean said in an announcer voice. It was huge on the inside. A wide open living room area with two couches facing a flat screen TV, a stair case that lead to a second floor with all the rooms, a fire place underneath the TV. A bar sat towards the back where the kitchen area was, bottles of beer and other drinks in a huge fridge.

"Wasn't expecting it to be this fancy." Bob said.

"We didn't either." Sean said. "But it is."

"Well, pick a room to stay in." Lily said. "Because we'll be here all weekend, with no parents."

"And because of that.." Mark began, taking out a case of beer. "we can drink all we want."

They all cheered in excitement, getting themselves situated, picking out rooms. Bob got one downstairs near the living room area, Jackie heading up the wooden staircase as well as Lily and Mark, picking rooms on the second floor. Wade and his sister, Ashley, chose the rooms that were left on the main floor.

"Jeez, like Bob said, I didn't expect it to be like this." Lily said, setting her stuff down in her room.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice." Jackie said, heading into the room next door to hers.

Once everyone was settled in, the three of them stayed upstairs for a little bit.

"Okay, so you know the plan right?" Mark asked.

Lily and Jackie nodded. "Yeah...we got it." Lily said. "But..don't you think it's a little bit cruel?"

"Oh come on, Lily, it's just all in good fun." Jackie said. "I'm sure she'll laugh it off with us."

"Besides, she's been trying to make moves on me for a long time now." Mark pointed out.

"I know but still..." Lily said, but she shrugged. "Whatever, let's just get it done and over with."

They headed downstairs to where the others were, everyone except Wade and Ashley in the group.

"You guys ready?" Sean asked, his camera out and ready. "This is gonna be hilarious."

"Let's do it." Bob said, and they headed into an unoccupied room, Mark standing in the middle of it, fixing his hair a little. Jackie peeked outside the door, glancing around.

"Ashley!" She called out, and immediately hid underneath the bed where Lily was. A few seconds later, they heard footsteps, seeing the slight glow of a candle.

"Mark?" Ashley asked, approaching the room, completely oblivious to everyone else that was hidden. "It's Ashley." She added, shutting the door behind her.

"Hey, Ashley." Mark said with a grin. "Perfect timing."

She smiled, her face heating up a little as she looked down at her shirt, going for the buttons when Mark stopped her.

"We should start know, making out, and see where it goes from there, alright?" He suggested, slowly walking up to her.

She set the candle down on the nightstand, her face blushing even more. She still headed towards the buttons on her shirt, getting them undone.

Mark's eyes slightly widened. "Oh hell yeah."

"Oh my god, she's taking her shirt off!" Jackie whispered, covering her mouth.

"W-what??" Ashley asked with surprise, holding her shirt in front of her. "What's going on??"

At that point, everyone came out. "Hi, Ashley!" Sean said, his camera recording, capturing all of it.

Ashley immediately felt embarrassed. "Oh my"

"Ash, it's okay!" Bob said. "It's all in good fun!"

She shook her head, and ducked out the door and out of the cabin, running off. Everyone followed, stopping outside by the door.

"Ashley!" Lily called out. "Goddammit..."

"It was just a prank, Ash!" Sean said loudly, putting the camera away.

"What the hell is going on??" Wade demanded, running out with his winter jacket on.

Mark looked at him. "It's just that..Ashley can't take a stupid prank.."

"You made her think she was alone with you, didn't you?" He asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "You guys are jerks!"

With that, he ran off to go find her, shouting her name a couple times.

"Come on, it was just a joke, for crying out loud." Mark said. "We should go help him."

Lily gave him a serious look. "I think you're the last person he wants to see right now, Mark."

They all headed back inside, hoping Wade would find her before it's too late.


Wade ran as fast as he could, jumping over tree roots and logs and other things. The cold wind of winter was slapping him in the face, but he didn't care, he just wanted to find his sister. Seeing a bridge and a path ahead, he decided to go the fast way, going to the bridge. Seeing a huge jump underneath, he crouched down, and jumped off, landing hard on his feet. Continuing to run, he couldn't really see anything in the dark of night, the wind pushing the snow everywhere.

Running somewhat blindly, he saw two more paths when he heard a noise, catching him off guard. Looking at both of them, he went towards to where he heard it, taking his phone out. Turning on the flashlight, he walked fastly when an animal jumped in front of him, causing him to scream in surprise as it went away from him. Taking a couple deep breaths, he moved forward.

"Ashley!" He called out. "Ashley!"

Coming up to a dead end, he saw somebody crouching there, looking up.

"Hello?" Ashley asked, Wade breathing a sigh of relief as he went up to her.

"Ashley, thank goodness." He said, putting his phone away. "You must be freezing."

He helped her stand up, taking off his jacket and putting it on her.

"I'm so stupid..I'm so stupid!" Ashley exclaimed, tears running down her face.

"Hey, it's okay." He said. "It was a dumb prank, I know. But let's get out of here before we run into more trouble."

They started to head back when they heard footsteps behind them, and they slowly turned to see something following them.

"Wade." Ashley said in a slight panic, grabbing his hand.

"Ashley.." Wade said. "Run!"

They ran the other way, down the other path, hearing them follow. Running across another bridge, at some point, Wade's phone dropped, but he didn't notice as they kept going. Seeing a drop off, they skidded to a stop, unsure of what to do when they stepped too far back, screaming as Ashley gripped his wrist very tightly, Wade holding onto a branch. Seeing whoever it was approach them, they knelt down, offering a hand.

"Wade!!" Ashley shouted. "Let them get us back up!"

"That mean I would have to let you go!" Wade shouted back. "I'm not doing that!"

Seeing them impatiently wait, Wade decided to do something he would never have thought of to do.

He let go, sending them plummeting to who knows where as they screamed.

The last thing they knew was painfully hitting something, tumbling down into the unknown before the world blacked out from their eyes.

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