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My mothers soft, and smooth hand clasped onto my tiny wrist, half leading and dragging me towards the end of the hall. Excitement flowed through my whole body because I now knew where she was taking me.

" Is Daddy waiting for us mum ?" I asked, glancing towards her. Right then I knew something was wrong. The frown upon her face mingled with worry in her eyes ,was not a sight one wanted to see on the Luna of the most powerful pack.

Abruptly stopping beside an office door, Mum faced me bending down to meet my eyes . "Baby girl, I need you to do something for mama k?! Go into daddy's office. We ' re going to play hide and seek".Eagerly nodding my head, excitement flowed through my body. Everyone knew that I loved this game.

" Hide in the best spot and don't come out ", mum whispers. Leaning forward to lay her forehead against mine, she pulls me into her embrace tightly . " I love you, we both do. No matter what happens next , always know that we love you with all our hearts". Tears began to trail down her face, dropping against my face. "Mama don't cry, I 'll hide in the best place where no one will find me".

Lycanna BloodlineWhere stories live. Discover now