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~~~The Isles of Galaghi~~~
Welcome, to the isles.
This is a roleplay that consists of dragons and humans, humans may be roleplayed occasionally as dragons take them prisoner.
There is seven islands that are all fairly small, one, is the main 'camp' Island, one is a prisoner island, there are two hunting islands and the rest are mainly for exploring, mining and for den resources.

LEADERS((2 available))-These are the deciders, protesters and the wisest of the dragons. They consist of usually three dragons.

SIDELINERS((2 available))- These are the bodyguards and often pass on ideas to the leaders. They are often old friends of the leaders and must be strong.

ROYAL APPRENTICES-((I will chose))
These are the future to the high ranks, they must be at least 12 scales old and are taken from their mother at a young age. These are guarded fiercely and chosen when they are very young-sometimes before they are born.

HEALERS(4 available) These heal and take care of the tribe. They are very protected and are given many gifts.

SPIKES((UNLIMITED))These are the protectors of the dragon tribe. They are very fierce and skilled.

SPIES(( UNLIMITED))These are often the smaller dragons, they sneak around and find uncharted territory as well as watching the Banished.

WINGERS((5 available)) These are the dragons that take resources from one island to another, they normally do this by flight, hence the name. They also patrol by air.

WELDERS((UNLIMITED))These dragons make iron claws and such, welding it with their fire. They must have a gentle claw and strong flame to do this job.

CLAWS((UNLIMITED)) These are the dragons that are too old for the confines of the nursery, yet too young to do proper work. They do the little jobs, like helping to guard camp and guarding the dens at night when the others are asleep. They are usually awake at night.

CARERS((UNLIMITED))These are often dragons that are too old or are bearing dragonlings, they all help look after the young.

ELDERS((UNLIMITED))These are too old and are well respected members of the tribe. They don't do much, yet their tales are often appreciated.

DRAGONLINGS((UNLIMITED FOR NOW))From the moment they are born to when they are 12 scales old ((1 scale is a month)) they will reside in the nursery with their mother, yet when they are 6 scales their mother may go back and work in her rank and the dragonling will be trusted on its own in the nursery.

Camp resides in a wonderful cave with a small pool with a very hot spring. Camp is very big due to all the dragons passing. However, not all dragons live here, most family's have their own den in a little crack in the wall, apart from the elders, the nursery is one den as well as the healers den. There is a shard of rock on which the leaders will scrape their claws across, causing marks which signals a meeting. Above camp is many rivers and lakes, and if you travel further outwards you will come to a beach and a deep dark sea, around a mile each way the other 6 islands will be.

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