Chapter 1

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Robin was laying in bed when her phone went off

(R=Robin A=Angel)

A- Gurl you out of bed yet?

R-Well now that you asked I am:)

A-Wow lazy ass I will be there in 5 so you should be up!

R-Kitty Kat be fierce!

After that Robin got up she put her beanie on since her hair was in a braid and still looked nice and neat.

Angel knocked on the door and Robin screamed come in. "Good morning sunshine" Angel said walking in with Starbucks. "Give me the Starbucks and no one will get hurt" Robin said laughing. Angel handed it to her acting scared.

The girls just sat there and started tweeting things on Twitter. They weren't famous but they did have 45.7k followers. "We should make a YouTube video since were bored" Angel said. "Yes messy best friend challenge. I do have cupcakes" Robin said. "Yuss".

Three hours past by and it was like 3 pm. "I have to go and get changed I'll text you later Robin" Angel said walking out the door.

Robin POV

I was laying on the coach bored since my best friend left so I just started tweeting.

@robin_adeleee Really really bored so I guess I'll just tweet you all.

I had so many more followers it wasn't funny. I looked at my notifactions and saw Angel tweeted.

@angelmwilson Editing my YouTube video I did with my bestie today. We got very very dirty Boy were still single

@robinadeleee Nah @angelmwilson were to ratchet for the boys haha I rather stay with Netflix and my coach.

@angelmwilson hahaha OK Robin and yes us ratchetness can't get a boy to save our life



Make sure you follow me on twitter @robin_adeleee

Text me on Kik at babygirl1603

I'm always here to talk if you guys need a friend.


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