The Flight Back- Harry Styles

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As I sit with my small carry- on bag by the gate for my flight back to London, I notice five hot guys sitting to my left close to the window. They too seem to be English as I notice their accents. 

"Gate A10 is now boarding" I hear a female voice blurt out over the intercom. I stand up and gather my stuff, and checking if I didn't leave anything behind. 

I walk over towards the open gate for my flight and hand over the ticket and walk on through. As I get inside I look for my chair which is towards the back of the plane. I sit down, looking out of the window for a little while before my attention gets drawn to something else. It was those five boys I heard making their way in my direction. I quickly check to see if I look ok. I grab a magazine and act as if I'm reading it, as the boys come and sit across the little walkway right by my seat. I take a glimpse and notice one of the boys with dark, brown curly hair and bright green orbs looking my way. I didn't look directly at him when he was looking at me, but I could see his eyes looking at me out of the corner of my eyes. 

After about 10 minutes the whole plain is seated and ready for takeoff. 

I look outside as the plain starts to gather speed on the runway and break away from earth into the twilight evening sky. I tightly grip the chairs' handles and look forward because of the turbulence scaring me a little. I look to my left, where the five boys were chatting away except for mister curly hair. Our eyes locked, he flashed a comforting smile at me, I managed to put on a nervous smile since I am still a little on edge as we are still on the rise. I am sure he notices that I am not exactly at ease. 

Once up in the sky my grip on the chair handles' let's go and I sigh in relief, relaxing back into my chair. 

Gosh I'm so tired I think to myself while yawning. My eyes start to feel heavy and I slip into a deep sleep. 

I wake with my head leaning against the window of the plain. My eyes blink a few times before I notice that someone is seated right next to me. I quickly sit up and look at the person sitting next to me. It's him again. As I take a good look at him and the other boys I realize it's the band One Direction. Holy sh*t I think to myself. Mr. Curly hair is Harry styles.  

"Hi there, had a nice sleep?" Harry says with a chuckle." Uh yeah", I say blushing." Where you hear the whole time as I was asleep?" I ask a bit embarrassed, knowing the fact how unattractive I can look asleep. "Yes to be honest", Harry responded a bit shyly." Don't worry you slept like a rose", he says winking at me. I blush and laugh, "I don't know about that"! "I'm Harry by the way, as you may already know", he says looking at me with his sparkling green orbs. ''Oh I know ,haha, I'm a fan of you guys I must admit,'' I say blushing, and looking at my hands that are placed on my lap. I'm ____ by the way, I added looking back up at him." ah _____ that's great!" Harry says with an even bigger smile plastered on his face, his dimples deepening. I didn't want to fangirl and go gushing, saying how big of a fan I am, so I just smiled still blushing a bit. 

One of the flight attendants comes by with her trolley handing out drinks and small snacks. Harry grabbed two of each, hand me a drink and food too. I take a zip of the can of 7up he had handed me, and then returning to the conversation we are holding. 

Throughout the chatting Harry barely lost eye contact with me, his green orbs looking into my eyes with much lust. Though he broke his gaze as Niall suddenly said at one point, "Hey are you going to eat that food? Otherwise hand that food on over to papa!" We both laughed and Harry turns around handing the food. He then spins around facing me again. At the same time I laugh more as I watch Niall look hungrily down at his food before digging in. 

"I tell you, there is never a single time that he is not hungry.'' And it's true by the way, he did argue with airport security for like 30 minutes, just so he could take his food on the plane,"Harry says smiling and shaking his head. "Haha I don't blame him though, gotta love food,"Harry added smirking. "Definitely", I agree giggling. 

I yawn and leaned back against my chair apologizing;" Sorry Harry, it's been a long, long day for me." Oh don't apologize love, I know that feeling. Why don't you go get some sleep?" Harry says with his deep English accent. You don't mind?" I look at him hesitant. "Not at all." Harry says wrapping his left arm around my shoulders pulling me to his warm chest. "Okay", I say leaning my head on his shoulder. Before I know it I feel my eyes sag, and I was off again into a deep sleep. 


"Ladies and gentlemen, it's currently 8 am in London, we are about to land so please if you will, please be seated and buckle up and get ready for landing", I hear a stewardess announce over the intercom as I wake up. I look up to find Harry's eyes flutter open, apparently too just waking up. Good morning babe, harry says with a sleepy voice stretching his arms in the air. I sit up and reply with a lazy smile, ''good morning.'' I see him grab a napkin and pulling a pen from his jean's pockets, and writing something down. He then hands me it, I take it and look down at it. Harry then says, sounding more awake now, here is my number love, I really like you. For some reason I feel like I know you for so long already and it's been only a few hours. It great, don't get me wrong, he adds with a big smile, dimples poking in his cheeks.'' yeah I was thinking that too just a minute ago! 'reply, surprised and happy. He grabs my right hand with his left, squeezing it lightly. I look up at his beautiful smiling face, smiling back at him. 

Once landed are hands let go of each other as I went ahead to put his number in my bag before I forget. '' ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking, welcome to London, I hope everyone has a great day, stay safe, the captain says as everyone stands up to get off of the plain. Me and Harry stand up both at the same time our eyes locking again. ''See you soon _____, ok? ''Harry asks, then planting a kiss on my right cheek. ''Alright '', I say smiling. We look at each other one more time before he walks off with the rest of the band, leaving me dazed.

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