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*Sorry for not uploading in a while, I've been busy with school. Here's the next chapter!*

I ran in the direction and realized it was where Kurumu went. Just after getting around the corner, I saw Kurumu standing in the doorway to the main room.

"Kurumu? What happened?" My eyes widened in horror. A large hole in the wall let me fill in the details.

Someone had managed to find us, and what they did....

Blood was on the floor in large amounts. A few bodies sat motionless on the floor.

Mizore, Tsukune, and Jason were all on the floor. The blood from their bodies was everywhere. Moka was in a corner, huddled in a ball.

Moving my eyes back to the bodies, Tsukune had a large pipe in his hand, most likely to be used as a weapon. Jason had no obvious injuries other than a scratch on his cheek. Mizore was beside him, holding his hand as she too sat on the floor.

Kurumu collapsed to the floor, but I didn't notice. I stepped forward slowly to notice that Mizore wasn't breathing, none of them were.

Mizore's hair had a bright red streak through it, and blood had been splattered on her face as well. Her cold eyes were still open as she stared at Jason.

My knees wobbled before I fell next to the two of them. I couldn't think of any words to describe the feelings of that moment.

I looked over at Tsukune. I hardly knew him, but he was a good guy. Fun, caring, and so friendly.

Jason, I knew him since childhood. He was a bit of an idiot at times, stubborn quite often, and there was more to him than I could've imagined.  My best friend, childhood friend, practically my own brother was dead on the floor in front of me.

Next to him was Mizore. I could see what he saw in her. She seemed so cold in a way, but so human too. She was understanding and had plenty of emotion. She was just different in her own unique way.

A single tear rolled down my cheek before the rage filled me. My neck felt like lava as my skin nearly boiled. I had to grab the side of my head as the pounding from the emotions was devastating.

At this point, I was guessing my hair and eyes had changed color as well.

These three amazing people didn't deserve to die. They shouldn't have.

My scream was the loudest sound I could have ever imagined. It was more like a roar really.

Around me, a dark red aura violently danced around my body and the roar continued for nearly a minute. After it was finished, I stared at the bodies of my friends.

I placed a hand on Jason's chest, probably out of confusion and denial. He was cold, and there was no pulse.

I looked back to see Kurumu. She was still crying, but also looked afraid of me as well.

With nothing left in me, I brought my hand down on Jason's chest which, beyond all odds, did something.

He gasped for air, breathing deep and fast as he clutched his chest.

"M-Mi..." It was then that he turned his head to see the body next to him. His breathing stopped as he sat up, removing his hand from her final grip.

"Mizore?" He crawled slowly forward and held her head up. "Please."

I could only watch him as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Mizore! Please, no!" He stroked her hair as he stared at her cold eyes.

"Don't leave me... Why?" He lowered his head to her chest and sobbed, hoding her lifeless hand.

"Dammit, why? Why? Why?" Jason's cries were loud and long before he started to lose himself.

"Mizore!" He screamed her name as he pulled her up to him.

His tears stopped as he held her silently.

"Why didn't you bring her back?" He asked. Jason looked at me.

"I can't live like this. Not without her." His voice was lacking emotion, but it disguised itself as anger. Then, he looked at me.

"Try." His arms trembled as he screamed at me. "TRY!"

I nodded even though I didn't know if I could. I held my hand over Mizore's head and suddenly, a bright red light appeared from my palm, but it did nothing.

Whatever hope he had left just drained from him as he sat with the love of his life, dead in his arms. No more tears, just nothing at all.

Moka was in even worse shape. I walked over to her, but she wasn't entirely here. Her mind had been damaged by the loss.

Tsukune had a large gash on his throat and over his chest. Even if I tried, there was no way to save him. Tsukune was dead for sure, I didn't even know how Jason was alive.

Looking back at him, he was very gently picking up Mizore in his arms. Silently, he carried her into the other room and I assumed was putting her on a bed.

"I'll kill them." Jason's voice had no emotion. Kurumu still cried by the door, unable to move. Moka was still shaking, and I didn't expect either of them to recover completely.

I was still in a rage state. Actually, I was unable to speak. The only things that I could think about were the different ways to rip somebody's heart out, or throat, whatever one kills faster.

I simply nodded.

Moka had now moved over next to Tsukune and held his wrist in her hand. She manipulated his hand to grab her rosario and pulled it off.

Even Inner Moka was badly damaged by the loss, but she was still functioning.

"This was Tsukune's last request." Inner Moka said, standing up. "I swore that if he died, I would release myself and never seal away again. Just so that the other one can't hurt herself."

Jason had no response and I just grunted.

That's when we hear the scream.


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