Chapter 1

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What would you do if you killed your family. Feeling the cold flesh of their bodies against your own two hands. unable to really realize what you have done, with everything in a haze. It's unbearable to face the dead people you once called your family.

"Why did i..."

said the young confused boy stained in rose red blood. His grip on the kitchen knife grew stronger as his body quivered in pain and shock.

"Why wasn't i... I.... Didn't mean to..."

gazing down at the pale lifeless bodies, a siren was heard from a distance. As the distance closed, he didn't know what else to do but run. As he ran, his life completely changed before his very eyes. He kept running, unable to stop running, feeling his fears and agonizing pain follow behind. Finally, hearing the sirens soften until he could hear it no more, he completely stopped. Silence and death filled the air around him, falling to his knees, the boy cried out, wishing it was all a dream.

"i will see you soon i-i promise...!"

the boy screamed out as he gripped the knife against his two bloody hands.
As he was about to end his life, a voice was heard from behind.

"Who is there..!!"

shaken up by fear and anger he turned pointing the knife towards that direction, but the voice got closer. A tall figure appeared over him, as if he was like one of the trees behind him.

"Your story isn't over yet.."

the tall, limber man said as he knelt down to the boy in front of him. It was his neighbor that lived across the street. Recognizing his snowy white hair.

     With his snow white hair draping down his face, as his pointed ears stuck out. Then as if the boy's fears had calmed down he saw the man. He looked pale and dead, yet the voice of this man was kind and caring. Soon, grabbing the knife out of the shaken boy hands he said softly to him,

"Do not worry child, we are not so different from each other..."

      He suddenly placed his hand on the boy's head calming him down. He felt finally at ease, even after the brutal murder this young boy did. Soon he dropped the blood covered kitchen knife, feeling tears weld his eyes, embracing the man in front of him.

       Waking up in a haze, the long haired boy sat up from his bed sighing under his breathe. As he sat up, he saw the mess of all his clothes and paperwork, even weapons. Setting his feet onto the cold wooden floor. He looked around simply picking his clothes up, tossing it into the filled basket of trash and dirty clothes. After a while he heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice,

"May i come in, Matt...?"

Hearing the voice Matt simply responded,

"Oh sure.."

In no interest he completely ignored eye contact, he continued picking up.As the creaking noise grew loudly, the door opened as the tall man, Zatekus. Came through the door. His gaze lowered to Matt as he just tossed everything else into the corner as his soft words came flowing out of his mouth,

"Kai and Dante are here to train with you.."

As his polite words flowed out of his mouth, Matt quickly turned his gaze to face him,

"Tell them i will be there in a minute.."

Zatekus bowed his head lightly as he backed up, closing the door. Finally finishing up, he stretched turning his gaze to the closet seeing the tons and mountain high clothes. Annoyed he walked towards the unconquered mountains of clothes, digging through them, he finally found the one clean clothing of the stack.Placing his hands on the strap of his boxers he lowered them, pulling his legs out of his boxers. Shutting the closet hiding the mountains of clothes he tossed his used boxers on the floor of his room, ready to start a new pile. Sighing as he changed into his clothes, he stretched finally dressed as he began to head out. He walked out to see his two old friends, Kai and Dante. Kai, younger than Matt and Dante, is stubborn, always looking up to Dante and Matt. Dante, same age as Matt, is known to be easy going and collected.

"You two are here pretty early.."

Matt said as he scratched his chocolate brown hair, yawning. Kai simply snickered smiling,

"Well we met someone.. And we thought we would introduce you to her! Ehehe..!"

With his big smile, Dante sighed in grief,

"I thought you said you would, i didn't want anything to do with her.."

Matt stared confused at the words that spilled from their mouths,


He said as he narrowed his eyes out of curiosity. Both Kai and Dante, nodded simultaneously as they stepped out of the way.

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