October 22, 2015

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Dear Diary,
I guess it's better to write late at night when the day is over. Because then the day is fresh in my memory, and I won't need to add in pieces that hadn't happened yet.
Well, this morning Elaine and I were going to go work out. But that fell through, again. We really want to go, we enjoy going, but we also enjoy sleep. So instead of being up and ready to kick off the day at 5:30am, it was decided that I shall stay in my bed until approximately 8:30am. I get up to meet Elaine and Tegan for breakfast otherwise I'd be in bed much later. One of the perks of college this semester is that I have no classes before noon. But I get up anyway. This morning on my walk down the hallway to their room, I just had a feeling that something was going to be different this morning. I couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, just different. Well, their door was locked... Normally they are pretty good about unlocking it so I can come in and talk to them while they finish up getting ready. But apparently not today. I was locked out. I stood at the very end of the hallway outside their door for about (what seemed to be a lot longer than it was) like five minutes. And of course my mind is going a million miles a minute, "What if they went to breakfast without me?" "What if they're still sleeping, and didn't let me know that breakfast was off this morning." "I don't think they would just leave with out me... Would they?" But finally the door opened, and out they came. We went to breakfast like normal, all of us getting our usual food, just like normal. By about 9:45 it was time for Tegan to go to class and Elaine to go to work. But, I bet you'll never guess what I did... Yeah... You got me... I went back to bed. I woke up at around 10:50, laid in bed for a little longer, laughed with my roommate Helena, and then once it was about 11:00 I decided it would be smart to try to get my life together before class. It took me longer than usual to try to find something to wear today. I even made a comment to Helena about it. But before too long I pulled together a pretty cute outfit that is kinda hard to describe. Otherwise, I'd let you know in detail my cute outfit. I finished getting ready, grabbed my headphones, tuned out the world, and headed to class.
One thing I have yet to get used to is people flying by on their longboards or bikes. I had my headphones in with my music really loud, so naturally I'm not going to hear someone long boarding behind me. So don't judge too hard when I say that I jumped when he passed me. It scared me, well, took me by surprise. But I kept my eyesight on my feet and continued on the sidewalk to the building my class was in. The walk there was nothing special, neither was class or the walk back. Over all I can say that my day was pretty boring. That is until Elaine and Tegan talked me into starting The Vampire Diaries. Bye, bye social life, hello Netflix!
I successfully watched the first ten episodes of the first season. That is until Tegan needed her laptop back. The three of us have been trying to come up with costumes for Halloween. I had mentioned vampires before, well now they're on board. So they were looking into prices of fangs and dark lipstick and edgy heels for the costumes. Well I'm not going to wear heels, but I'm all for the fangs and dark lipstick. But Tegan has to work tomorrow, so it was time for me to leave. I got back to my room, went to the bathroom and came out to see Helena give me "the look." You see she has had this budding romance going on for a bit now, and I love when she fills me in, I love that she's trusts me enough to fill me in. I would give details, but diary, it's not my place to tell. I also filled her in on all my dead ends.
It's seems like when I like a guy, he likes one of my friends. Like recently I told my close friend Beck that I had feelings for him. I didn't want to though because he likes Tegan. He's always liked Tegan, and that is actually how his friendship with her and I started. But since college there has been one guy, I've been debating on catching feelings for. Alex. He's a gentleman, he's funny, sarcastic, he's fun to hang out with, and it's just the little things. But the way he acts, I swear he has a thing for Elaine. Her and I actually talked about it the other day. She said that she feels like he likes her too, and doesn't like that I think so as well. Later that day I talked to Tegan about it, just to get her perspective on the situation. She, unlike Elaine and I, doesn't think he likes her. One of her reasonings was that usually when you like someone you want to make sure they are around when you are.
"And there have been times where he's just asked you and I to hang out."
"I mean, I guess."
Well I told Elaine, Tegan's theory, and she said,
"Well usually when he asks just you guys, he asked me first and I said 'no I'm busy.' And he says 'Fine we'll hang out without you.' "
So I still feel like he likes Elaine. I mean, I don't blame him. She's completely gorgeous, funny, and blunt. She is fun to be around. She's great.
I just hate feeling like I'll never be good enough, you know? Well, I think that's all for today.

XO. Cece

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