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The world was still and dark before chaos erupted.

            In the upper east room of the Castle it was quiet. The silent moonlight flooded in through an open balcony. The curtains fluttered lightly against the doorframe. The only source of noise was the light chirping of crickets in the garden below. The elegant desk in the center of the room reflected the light sky. It was littered with papers and maps, which silently rustled about in the trickle of wind breezing in from the open door.

            It was an old room. It whispered with the ghosts of its past. If the walls could talk they would speak of secrets and whispers spoken across that ancient desk. They were the biggest confidant of the era, these walls. For they had seen many hushed tones and silent agreements, and they were they kept in oath to hide these secrets. So there they sat, filled with the echoes of murmuring influences and breathless exchanges. These walls knew all.  They knew that soon the world would arrive at a treacherous crossroads. They heard it in the stillness of the space, they heard it in the empty seats, they heard it in the thick air. The time of change was coming.

It began with four men of power, men of strength beyond their faculty. These men formed an alliance. A solemn agreement between a family from the Glen, a family from Valley Broad, a family from the Wild Moor, and a family from Fen. For within this sacred bonds was a will to achieve peace across all lands. A way to govern each of their respective lands into stability with one another.

But the walls knew that in the dark hours of the night another alliance was made. In this room master Dacium of Fen made an oath with a tribe of goblins from the north. In this treaty he made a false promise, in order to succeed in his will dominate all lands. This was the fatal agreement that led to the downfall of the alliances. One by one the countries fell into conflict. All fought to protect their land. Finally those of Fen marched on those of Glen. Outside this castle was the final battle. Just when it appeared as if all hope was lost the alliance resumed and the families Valley and Moor arrived to protect their brethren.

Victory was within their grasp! But the power of the Goblin forces was to strong. They arrived an conquered, many were slaughtered. Hope was quickly fleeting, but in a last attempt at triumph Arimathea of the Wild Moor took his chance, he attacked Dacium himself, cornering him in this very room. The Lord of Fen attested to his lack of loyalty to the Goblins, exposing his false oath to utilize  their powers to his advantage. His lie was finally made known to the Goblin King, who had listened from out of the door. The trust of Goblins is easily shifted, and Dacium was made an enemy. The lust for power betrayed the family of Fen. Their oath was broken and Fen surrendered. From then the pact was forgotten.

For many years the pact remained myth, until one day when the family of Glen discovered old parchment in their antique desk. The ideas of the alliance still found home in the hearts of it's previous namesakes later successors. A new alliance was made. And in this room again it was struck. For a hundred years it fulfilled its duty. But these walls know the truth. They had seen it's corruption before and knew one day it would come again. They watched as the treaty began to dissolve, in the same fashion as it's former.

Darkness crept back into the hearts of many. Proclamations of peace turned into whispers, and whispers to silence. And the walls knew the time had come. They watched as the conflict began to erupt. But something happened that the Walls did not foresee, the master of Glen took a husband from the land of Fen. They signed their contracts on the same ancient desks as that of the treaty. Replacing a failed contract with a new successful one. And in this room that which was once used for argument turned to celebration. And for a year there was peace.

The desk still sits a relic of years previous. Now littered with maps and papers. Reflecting the stars and moon on its hardwood surface. And life was present in the country. And life was alive in this room. But all life is fleeting. This dark night, change would strike with the clock. As the chamber waited in silence the clock above the cold fireplace began to chime. It broke the heavy voiceless room. It struck midnight.

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