Unknown Chick

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☻ Dominic Long Kotsyuba P.O.V  ☻ 

I sat leaning back in my seat, clicking my pen repeatably. Staring at my quiz taste score, thinking how to turn 21% to a passing score.

"Ah-ha, I can easily turn this 21 to a 81." I smiled as I did so, and it looked pretty damn believable to me.

I looked around the class, everybody is doing the usual. Texting during class or whatever entertains their little brains. My eyes landed on a girl in the front, I saw she was looking at me with a small glare. Well, I think it was a glare. I soon saw her eyes flash to my pen then me again. Making me smile bigger, I clicked it once more. Her reaction was funny, cause when I did, she had a red face along with a killer glare.

"More?" I mouthed, pointing to my pen.

She immediately shook her head no, then mouthing some words back. I think they said "Don't you dare." or "Don't even try." Something upon those words.

I clicked my pen and I saw her stand up, slamming her hands down on the desk. "I swea-" She was cut off as the horrible class bell rung. Telling us that class has ended and now it is lunch period.

I chuckled and shoved everything into my backpack, pulling it over my shoulders. I managed to be the first person out the door. I stood by the door and waited till that one girl came out so I could pull her out of the mess of people. And then talk to her about what is her problem and try to get her because I haven't seen her before or never noticed.

After couple of seconds, I saw her light blonde but doesn't look like that fake blond hair and her bright colored eyes? Well, I only seen one and it was bright gold.

As soon as I saw her, I grabbed her hand. Pulling her to me, but I did it too hard. Making her squeal, and we went down. Closed my eyes and my body hit the floor, her body landing on mine.

I opened one eye and looked at her. My hands were on her waist, so her body was sitting on my lap. That made me a bit pink but it slowly went away. . .I think it did. Her hands and legs were on each side of me. I opened my other eye and tried to get a better view of her face. Her hair was practically covering all of her face, but I could tell that she was blushing hardcore.

We stayed like that for a couple of seconds but it felt like forever. But no one even gave us a look, which was strange but thank god. Because if we did, it might of looked like something else and I don't think I need to be suspended anymore.

Out of no where, she sat up and brushed some of her hair out of her face. As she did so, I got to see her face for a quick second. One of her eyes were facing a different way then she was with her other eye. I started thinking she had a mental problem or something stupid. I suddenly started laughing for some reason and I saw the girl stand up quickly. Seeing her walk away, I could tell I'm gonna have fun bothering...well teasing her. Or make fun of her, yeah that might be a dick move but hey! Sometimes people have to be mean once in a while.


A week probably passed and I only have seen glimpses of that girl, I know this is weird to admit but I really want to see her face to face again...or whatever contact I have with her-


"What!?" I practically growled at the black haired boy before realizing it was just Brad.

"You literally just spaced out...once again." He said, pointing his index finger at me.

"Sorry," I signed deeply, running my hands through my hair carelessly. "Its just I'm thinking about something that's stupid anyways, do you know a girl that is like...Bright blonde with golden eyes?" I asked, looking at him.

"You talking about a girl, who has blonde hair." He said slowly.

"Yeah so..."

"That's like all the girls who attend this school."

"Shut up, this girl has hair that is like...natural dead blonde."

"You talking about that clutz?" He said, tilting his head sideways as he is pointing behind me.

Taking a step back to turn behind me I see paper scattered everywhere, a backpack on the ground. Along with the girl.

"Yep, and got to go. I need to make fun of her and things-"

"Don't, You really don't want to do that." With that said, my friend magically reappeared in front of me.

"And why is that?" I crossed my arms, taking glances at the girl every now and then to see her cleaning her mess up.

"Her family is like...the richest people in this whole state! And her 8 brothers? They go to this school but rarely because they are so fucking damn smart! Plus, she gets her way no matter what." He stated "Didn't you know? Like all this stuff already?"


"No wonder, but anyways. I warned you, so yeah. Do whatever you want now." He took some odd steps to my right.

I didn't need to reply, because I ran straight over to the girl.

"Hey clutz, I was wondering why do you even attend school? Its not like magic, we can't teach mental people and make them smart." I said, smiling as I crouched down to her height.

She stayed silent and kept picking up some more papers, and other school supplies.

"I'm speaking to you, you need to reply." I watched her as I said that.

"Last time I'm telling you this. You need to fucking reply to me-"

"I don't need to listen to you! Are you my parent? My 8 older brothers?" She snapped.

I stayed silent, shocked that anyone would talk to me like that.

"That's what I thought, so go back to being a smartass dickhead when you start being kind. Please let me know or I will personally make your life a living hell!" She got up, practically shouting at me, gathering peoples attention.

My anger slightly rising inside of me, I stood up around the time she did.

I found myself grabbing her shirt and pulling her back roughly. Letting go halfway, I saw her fall to the ground with a thud. No noises were heard coming from her but breathing a bit faster then normal.

"R-right on t-time big brother A-ace." I watched her smile as she stuttered, looking right behind me.

I heard a whole bunch of people run away and that time, I did too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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