Chapter 46 - Funeral

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Two weeks later, (Wednesday 27th Nov)
The boys have gone back to Ohio for Burt's funeral. Kurt has to give a speech and Blaine is going to read a poem.
Cede: Next will be Kurt's husband, Blaine Anderson.
Blaine: *walks up on stage and stands next to the coffin* I came into your family, not knowing what i'd find. I was nervous and afraid, Burt gently eased my mind. You made me feel right at home, the first time we met. You welcomed me with open arms, with that i won't forget. You have always encouraged me, with kind words that you say. I know i can depend on Burt, on any given day. Your a great father in law, you stand above the rest. I thank God for blessing me with you, the very best. Thank you Burt *starts crying a little* Now my fabulous hubby, Kurt Anderson! *sits down and watches Kurt go on stage*
Kurt: Burt is my father, he always will. I will love him, i always will. Burt was one of those people, who you could be honest with, and who you share your darkest secrets with. Burt loved my mum, *starts crying* and now there gone, *puffs* What am i going to do. *starts crying even more and runs off stage and out the building*
Blaine: Kurt, stop! Kurt! *chases after Kurt and gets him eventually* What happened back there?
Kurt: Can we go? *puffs* I want to go home.
Blaine: Our flight is not until tomorrow but if you want to go, i'll come too.
Kurt: Let's go then *drags Blaine to the car and leave*

The boys then get a refund from their ticket and buy new tickets and leave Ohio.

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