other worlds

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Once there was a young girl, maybe five years of age she was exceptionally cute with thin legs and arms and a bit of baby fat dark near black hair that swung to her small waist framing a round fair skinned face and wide blue eyes with Long lashes the girls eyes were calm And intelegen with a playful light to them she ran through her yard and into the woods surrounding   it she could feel the green moss moist

inbetween her bare feet as she ran the trees grew so close together you couldn't see the sky and you were bathed in a warm green light surrounded with the sounds of animals the sounds of life of little fawns running through the trees with the girl the birds calling out to her she felt free running in this wood she felt more alive than when she was in the paved city, she came to a clearing with a pond in the middle of it the water was so clear and clean it may as well have been a stream and as she looked into it it seemed the world turned on its axis so that you could just walk into the reflection of the pond and continue on your way the reflections of the trees were on their side growing out of the earth on one side of the pond  and the girls reflection was beaconing for her to fallow to plunge into the water and out of this world of hers, slowly letting her face enter the water causing little ripples form around her she felt like she was being pulled In all the way it was cool and moist with what felt like a breeze but couldn't be she was under water it was supposed to be cold and wet  not so warm and pleasant, her eyes were closed she realized and commanded them to open to see where she was and were she was was even more amazing than the wood she just came from. The trees seemed to grow forever going up to a clear Sky that you could barely see through the leaves of the trees the sun beat down firey hot casting a green glow in the under world that felt pleasantly warm and yet cool the earth had berry bushes growing from it and ferns and Moss and all manner of flowers and plant life she was by a pond in a clearing too it was the one she just came from and her world looked Gray  In comparison to this one so quiet was the wood serounding the pond the girl could hear her own heart beat  this place felt like a sacred place to her one that even the animals kept from and as if in a dream the girl walked she didn't know where she was going nor how far just that she was to walk and as the did the wood changed the trees became thinner farther apart the grass growing longer reminding her of hay in the fields of horses she had seen that summer past  and as the trees disappeared compleatly the hay grew above her little stature she could barely see the giant horses of all colours from a firey red to a deep blue and a brown and pure white or gold and they seemed to shimmer they had horns growing from their heads not just one but many and they had sleek wings that looked like the shattered light from a prism, she saw a pure black one with purple through its fur with silver horns and black wings with the prism light of purple and blue it was the most magnificent of all these horses and the girl wished to see it she was curious but as she started to walk towards it she felt a resistance to her body to move forward she felt like she was in extreme pain her body stretching and growing gaining curves and breasts she wasn't due to have for another ten years  her hair became thicker darker and more wild her face gained angles high cheek boned and rose coloured cheeks her eyes grew wisdom and a wild light amongthe intelligence and a wild playfulness in their blue depths her limbs were still thin but they were muscled and strong she became a beautiful woman her hair glowing with red in the light she was the most beautiful woman you could   Imagine a thousand times better than anything from the Gray world she was from she suddenly lost the pain the resistance she could hear all of the world the strange horses and the birds and other animals the faint sound of rushing water it was like breaking a barrier and she ran forward to the black horse that watched her even as it's comrades fled she ran and she hugged the horse  it nusseled to her whinnying as she pet it smiling a million watt smile... She didnt know she was being watched by a platnum blonde  haired man with the ice blue eyes of a cat who knew this horse and knew this girl even if she didn't know him, he had been waiting for her and he knew what her arrival meant " the raven is hear" he whispered to himself fear griping him " the princes from the Gray realm, war is on us.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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