CH 1

25 0 0

Every person I've ever met has either met their soul mate or their countdown has started. My mother says that I'm different from everyone else and that it's a good thing - but she hasn't lived this life. She found my dad; her wrist is now clean from numbers. Mine is blank – no numbers – just faded with the outline that was soon to be shown. (Or at least hoping so.)  

My father has said that only a few countdowns in the world start later on in people's lives. He says the oldest started at 25; and that was my grandmother.

I don't think we should have these. I thought life was about making your own choices and choosing your own fate. Aren't you supposed to make mistakes? That way you're able to learn from them as you go? Isn’t heartbreak something everyone should go through? It makes us stronger and wiser. Or at least in the movies it does... I feel that love should be about finding someone who understands you more than yourself. What if these people don't accept you? I remember knowing this one couple who always fought... But their countdown stopped once they met so they must be soul mates right? I've never understood these things at all... Then again mine hasn't even started so why am I worrying? For all I know he isn’t out there.

"Alli? Are you awake?"

My mother peaked into my room to make sure I was dressed and ready for school. Today happened to be the first day of my senior year. I looked over at her from my window seat and gave her a reassuring smile letting her know that I was ready. She nodded and shut the door. I looked at my watch and saw it was already 9:20; school began at 10:15 today.

As I opened the front door to go outside I felt a spark light up inside of me. I didn’t think it was a big deal and it was probably just my stomach breaking down my breakfast. So I shrugged it off and jumped in my car then headed off to school. It was when I felt another spark hit me in my first class that really got me thinking… Is this my body warning me that the clock is ready to begin? If so, then these sparks will have to keep coming because I don’t know if I’m supposed to turn it on or if it does that itself.

For the rest of my classes until lunch, my body kept buzzing. It was like a swarm of bees were trying to break out of me. Physically it didn’t hurt, it just confused me. I’ve never heard anyone say that right before it started they felt bees flying around their body. But like my mom says, I’m different from everyone else.

As the bell rang to go to lunch, I met up with a couple of my friends, Thomas and Macey. Each of them had already met their match back in Jr. High. You want to know what’s even better? Tom and Macey are soul mates. My two best friends are meant to spend the rest of their lives together. Typical love story, right? I sometimes wish my life was like theirs. It all seems so easy.

“Have you seen the new guy yet?” Macey asked as we walked down the hallway. I looked at her confused and shook my head. “New kid?” I asked and opened the doors to the café. Sure enough there was a crowd surrounding one particular table. It was no surprise that the table they were all circling was where all of the stuck up bitches and asshole jocks sat. Today was different. Today, there was an extra body sitting there.

Macey bumped me and nodded over to where a new guy sat in between a couple cheerleaders. Typical, these two head cheerleaders would be flirting with this guy. While you would think, since the two have already found their loves, they would leave every other guy alone. But you can never change who you’re attracted to. I rolled my eyes and walked past the table when I noticed that Mace wasn’t following behind. Looking back, Tom and Macey had joined the group to drool over this new guy.

“Seriously? What is so important about this guy that you two are standing here with all these other…“ My voice trailed off and my eyes were suddenly locked on him. This wasn’t just any new guy – this was someone we all knew. The eyes that were locked to mine were Jake Adams’ crystal blue oceans. “Is that…?” I leaned into Macey. All she did was nod and smile.

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