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"The sun is out and shining"

"Wakey wakey, sister"

"Get up, you deaf woman!"

"Get out of my room, Sophia. I am not getting up until it's noon and the sun is shining exactly on my head." You could say I'm not a morning person. I hate getting up early, but Sophia is my exact opposite. She has the potential to be all cheery at 6 in the morning. Me? Nuh-uh . Luckily, my last school started at noon, so I got enough sleep. But from what mother has told me, the school I'm getting enrolled into starts at 8am. I'm pretty sure I'll end up killing someone if they try to indulge me in any activity that early in the day. Well, killing might be a bit extreme, but there will definitely be a lot of verbal abuse.

"Leslie Anne Grey, you better get up this instant or I'll take away all the gummy-bears from your secret stash," Sophia threatened, that got me up and off my bed in an instant. You see, I have a weakness for gummy-bears, how can you not? They  so small and cute and they taste even better than they look.

"You have a secret stash of gummy-bears? Well, this information is going to come in handy," mom said entering my room. I groaned, realising the fact that both, my mom and Sophia are going to blackmail me using this information. I just decided to ignore it and focus on better things. I don't need such negativity in my life.

"Good morning, mom", I greeted, giving her a side hug.

"Good morning, Leslie. I just came to wake you up, but I see Sophia has already done the needful." She turned to Sophia,"Thank You for saving me from the trouble of waking up the sleeping beauty." I just rolled my eyes at my mum's exaggeration."Your welcome, aunt," Sophia said giggling.

"Leslie, get ready, you have to go out."
If I was feeling sleepy earlier, it was gone in a second. "Wait,what? Why? It's hardly 10am. You can't expect me to function properly so early in the morning." It was my mom's turn to roll her eyes. "What do you mean why. I thought you know," mom replied. "I wouldn't be acting so surprised if I knew, would I?" I said faking a smile. "No need for your attitude, missy", mom said sternly.

Sophie decided it was the moment for her to speak up. "Umm, it's not her fault, aunt. I forgot to tell her we are going shopping" "Shopping? Now? Why?" Don't get me wrong, I don't hate shopping, in fact I enjoy it. I just don't enjoy doing anything so early. I turned to my mom silently asking her to agree with me. "Can't we go later?", to which she replied a simple no.

"Leslie, come on. We'll have fun. We'll get new clothes, new bags and school stuff. I'll introduce you to my friends. I'll also take you to my favourite pizza parlour, my treat." You had to give to Sophia, she was very convincing. She would get whatever she wanted. "Fine, I'll go have a bath and meet you downstairs. Now get out of my room." She just chuckled in response.

Half an hour later, I was out of the shower. I decided to not dress up a lot. I settled on a pair of skinny jeans, with a grey tank top with words 'WHATEVER' printed on it and my black converse. I applied mascara and lipgloss and let my shoulder length black wavy hair fall as they were still wet from shower. I met Sophie in the living room and we were out in an instant.

Authors note: Hello everyone. Here is the first chapter for my new book. I'm applying this book for #YourStoryIndia so please vote, comment and share as much as you can. Thank you.

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