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(Just watched Shingeki No Kyojin/Attack On Titan! Ah, such a lovely anime with amazing characters and a amazing plot. In the beginning, I thought Eren and Mikasa were actually siblings... haha... haha... But after watching the recently introduced episode 8... MY. NEW. SHIPPING. NAO.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this! Romance/Friendship comes more towards the end!)


Mikasa was sitting down in their new house, not the one she used to live in with the man who had taken her in after her parents were kill. Not the one with the woman who always scolded her friend for doing such little work. Not the one she lived in with a boy who had a dream to become a fighter. No... all of that was gone. But she didn't mind too much.

Now, she lived in a new house, but only with that boy who had now become a young man, and got his dream, although it was not the exact thought he was looking for. Perhaps it wasn't the same life she shared with him long ago, but that's just the way it worked.

The world is cruel, but it is also very beautiful

Such a true statement she would always say. She had lost her two adoptive parents, but had saved the life of her closest friend. In a way, both sides evened out, so she was content with this life of hers now.

"I'm back." She heard someone coming from the door. 

When she turned around, it was the closest person to her; Eren. He was the son of the mother and father who were taken from the two, and probably suffered the most from that point, but from this, he grew stronger. 

Not only that, but he was also able to become a Titan; a gigantic humanoid looking organism, that which was normally seen without any sexual organs, and most who killed humans. Though, Eren was different. He had complete control over his body, and was wiser than most Titans, seeing how he is really just a 15 year old human.

Many people were scared of Eren in fear he'd lose control of himself as a Titan, and just end up to be another enemy like the other mindless creatures roaming outside the wall that was rebuilt over and over again from each attack.

But Mikasa was different. She and a lot more people in the Scouting Legion believed that Eren had control of himself, and could keep it that way, that he would stay human. Mikasa knew this, she didn't think or believe, she knew.

"Welcome back." Mikasa said emotionlessly, as always. She was happy he was back, and glad, even though he only went to the head quarters with Armin, who was at the door behind him, "Did things go alright?" She asked, seeing Eren and Armin taking a seat at the table while she got a glass of water for the two of them.

Eren and Armin both went to the head quarters to discuss more about Eren's Titan Form, since it could be dangerous, with the little information that everyone knows, including Eren himself. Mikasa was told to stay back, even though she wanted to accompany her close friend. If anyone other than Eren told her to stay, she'd had probably disobeyed.

"They're... sitll finding out what to do with me." Eren told her, taking a sip of the water, "I don't want them to do any experiments on me like they did with those other test subjects. I don't want to become one of them."

"You won't." Mikasa said confidentally, though her voice showed little signs of it.

"And if that's the case, we could find a way to get you out of here." Armin nodded, agreeing with Mikasa. It was obvious that if that was the case, Armin would be a bit hesitant since he was shaking, his hands trying to grip the glass of water firmly. 

"Well... only a few people are debating right now, I don't know who's side they're on." Eren said solmenly, "But for now, they just want me to do the hard jobs for humans, like moving a few boulders that fell off the wall when it was broken."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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