I'll Protect You! ~Roxas One-Shot~

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“Heads up!”

The shout came from behind her, but she was ready and spun around in time to catch the blue rubber ball. She lowered the ball from her face to see who had mistakenly sent it flying in her direction. A spiky, blond haired boy ran up to her, frazzled as he tried to explain what happened, apologize, and greet her all in one sentence. Of course, all that came out was a string of random words that didn’t seem to make any sense when stringed together.

“Here’s your ball back. It’s fine, it was an accident. Name’s Mallory,” She said, covering practically everything he was trying to sputter out. After that, things just fell into place. She lost her family one day when they mysteriously disappeared without any trace and leaving nothing behind. She lived with Roxas now; quite happily at that. Living with him was easy and peaceful, aside from the few awkward things such as getting dressed and sleeping in the same room. But it was just simple things that were easily overlooked and ignored. They were used to being around each other. She got so used to it that it wasn’t long before she fell in love with the blond haired, blue-eyed boy.

At first, she thought it to be nothing but an annoying, temporary crush that would fade away in due time. But after striving and surviving for several weeks, Mallory knew that it wasn’t going anywhere. What she hated most about it was the fact that it was so difficult to hide away; she was living right across the room from the guy! If that wasn’t horrible (and wonderful,) enough, Roxas always seemed to have the trilling idea that he had to win a girl’s heart by doing something heroic.

Now, don’t get it wrong, he was sweet. But every time they played a simple game where the only thing they had to do was hit the ball in the air and keep it from touching the ground, Roxas seemed to think that the ball would somehow ‘hurt’ Mallory. So, every time the ball came in her direction, he would dive in and hit it before it got to close. This, after going through a whole game of dong pretty much nothing, could get pretty aggravating. On top of that, Roxas had a battlecry:

“I’ll protect you!”

In the beginning, she just dismissed it off-handedly and kept on with her life. Then after a while of that phrase began to get on her nerves. A lot. But being the enduring lover she was, she put up with the over-played phrase that tugged on her nerves. She couldn’t stay angry at Roxas even if she wanted too; he was just too darn adorable.

~~~>o< ~~~

“I got it!”

Olette called out as she positioned the bat right before smacking the ball back into the air and safely away from the ground. She grinned triumphantly as she watched it fly.

“It’s coming to you, Hayner!”

“Got it!” Hayner called back, returning the ball to the air with just as much if not more force than Olette’s hit. Unfortunately, this sent the ball flying over everyone’s head and into one of the nearby alleyways. They all groaned in annoyance; someone had to go get it now. Olette hit the back of Hayner’s head.

“Baka! Now we have to go get it!”

“Hey, I’ll get it. It didn’t roll away too far, did it?” Mallory offered, looking down at the alleyway. Olette looked over at her and nodded, pointing in the direction the ball rolled off in.

“Yeah, just down that way,” She told her.

Mallory nodded and grinned at them. “On it!”

And with that comment, she turned and headed into the alleyway to retrieve the ball that had rolled it’s way down the enclosed pathway in Twilight Town. She wandered down it for what felt like a long time, though when she glanced over her shoulder, she could see the Town Square was only about twenty yards or so away. How far could the ball have gotten?

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