Idate (Orca's wedding)

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Somewhere in the deep sea, the orca is preparing a wedding ceremony. For whom you ask?
For Idate and (Y/N).
And when did they purpose each other?

It was a nice weather in a certain island that (Y/N) is taking a walk. She pick up the flowers while watching the butterflies. It was very nice and quiet until...
"Hello there, missy~"
She turned around to see a familiar orca walking toward her, smirking on his face.
"Idate? What do you want?"
"Aww, don't be so harsh 'my love'~"
With that word, it made her blushed madly.
"H-Hmp. Don't tease me with that flirtly words of yours."
He walks closer and closer.
"W-What? You wanna fight!?"
He reached out his hands and quickly pulled her in to a deep and passionate kiss. She blinked then slowly returning the kiss. When they part away, (Y/N) noticed something shiny at her right hand.
It's a wedding ring.
"Yep. We'll get married and I'm not taking no for the answer. So you. Will. Be. Mine. Only."
She looks directly into his eyes.
"B-But what about Rocma? Don't you like her?"
"I love to messin' with her but for lover? Nah."
She quickly pulled Idate into a big hug. And he hugs her back.
"I love you too Idate."
"I love you more my love~"
And they kiss again.

Idate is in his groom suite. He's supposed to waited for his bride outside the room but knowing how he is, he just barge in the room without permission.
"Hey love, are you ready~?"
"Oh Idate! Yes, I'm ready."
(Y/N) now is in her beautiful bridal gown and stylish make up made her the most beautiful bride in the world, at least in Idate's opinion.

Red rose, velvet (no, it's actually bloody.) cake, orcas and the sea. The ceremony is perfect. Nagi comes too even though she doesn't like you for stealing her uncle.

*(Uh...I'll skip the wedding thing because I don't know how it's supposed to be. So, the ceremony it's up to you!)*

That night, they went on honeymoon somewhere in the sea where nobody else know it. So it just (Y/N) and Idate.
"So, my love. How about we have little you or me? I bet they'll be adorable like their mother~"
"...You pervert orca."
"But I'm you pervert orca~"
They continue to sit under the moonlight. Then Idate pull out something in his pocket. It's a gift box wrapped in (F/C) color and (F/C) ribbon. (Y/N) surprised a little but then smiled at her husband's cuteness.
"You know, you can be sweet sometimes huh."
He blushed and looks away.
She carefully unwrap the gift and to her surprise, he brought a pendant that match her (E/C) eyes color.
"Thank you 'sweetheart'. You're the best. It's so beautiful."
"No prob, love. And, I think you're more beautiful~"

The honeymoon end up by kissing each other under the moonlight night.

- Extend ending -

Wadanohara was riding on Samekichi's back in the sea when they saw two person kissing each other under the moonlight.
"Huh? Samekichi...aren't that's the orca who attacks you? Eh? And who's that girl...? What are they doing, Samekichi?"
"L-Let's just not interrupt them."
'She seems to enjoying the action that Mr.Orca's doing. I wonder what if Samekichi is doing that to me?' Wadanohara's though.
Unfortunately, Idate and (Y/N) turned around so they both saw Wadanohara and Samekichi.
"Oh hi little witch. And the shark too."
"You know them Idate? By the way, I'm (Y/N) and this guy is Idate. It's looks like you are the sea witch here. What's your name?"
"Hello miss (Y/N), I'm Wadanohara. And this is Samekichi. Nice to meet you both."
"Nice to meet you too, and actually, I'm married now and this guy is my husband."
"What!?" Cried Samekichi.


I'm sorry if this is too short. I just wanted to write story about Idate and his wife(you guys, of course!). I hope you enjoy it.

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