Part 2

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I was excited when I hopped all the way to my new high school, Shutoku High. Generally, parents are happy if there's an elder sibling who's studied in the same school as the younger one will study, but my parents were happy because there was someone to make sure I don't end up in jail with all the probing I do, on the first day at least. Taisu-aniki joined me on the way, shaking his head at my excited state. "Aniki! I'm finally in high school!" "Yeah, you are." "I can finally have a boyfriend!" "Yeah yo- Wait, what?" I laughed, "Well, at least I know that you're listening."

He shook his head, probably frustrated. With of course, a dash of affection. We reached school early, mainly because I had insisted. I wanted to look around, and get to the lit club faster instead of wasting my time getting hassled by the members of the other clubs. It wasn't that I had anything against them, it's just that there was only one club I had set my eyes on. And when I set my eyes on something, I do as much as I can to get it. "Oye oye. Calm down. We'll get to your lit club soon enough." Said the big brute. But I didn't have the patience, especially when aniki met his old basketball friends and stayed back to talk. 

"Anikiiiii..." I whined, hitting my head on his back. I knew he was rolling his eyes, "Okay. Go on, but be careful. Call me up if someone.." He held his hand two inches away from my arm, "even comes this close to you." I nodded enthusiastically, anything to roam the place myself. Aniki smiled; Before he could say 'okay, go on', I zoomed away. 

I couldn't help but get caught up in the rush, so many clubs, so many students. I was overwhelmed, and extremely excited. This was going to be awesome. On the way, I signed up for as many clubs as I could, basically in those I was interested. Mainly the school news related ones, after all I had to work toward my goal. 

As I was exploring, I found myself wishing I had ten other heads, there was just too much to see and I had to make do by twirling around. I was looking at a pamphlet that the manga club gave me when suddenly I bumped into someone. A very huge someone. 

"Gomen, gomen!" I squealed, turning around to see who I'd bumped into. "Can't you see where you're walking?" Came an annoyed voice. I gave a nervous chuckle, "I was reading a pamphlet." I explained, holding it out. When I looked up at him, it seemed as though his head was pretty high up, even for a normal human. Suddenly, the pamphlet was snatched from my hand, "Oooh. Manga." Said another guy, a shorter one this time. The huge guy had green hair, he wore spectacles; The shorter one had a mischievous face, and black hair. If I had to choose between the two, I'd totally go for the short one, he seemed less hostile. Mainly because the green-haired dude standing in front of me was emanating hostility from every pore of his. 

Being the tenacious little idiot I am, I looked up at the big guy, "You're pretty tall, are you a basketball player?" The guy pushed his spectacles up, clearing his throat, "Yes." 

Considering the fact that he pushed his spectacles up and cleared his throat, I thought he might have a lot more to say, but he didn't say anything further. The shorter one spoke instead, "Me too." I turned to him, he seemed easier to talk to. "What position do you play?" "I'm the point guard." "How is Shutoku's basketball club?" "The best, of course." I laughed, "Didn't Seirin win last time?" "They got better because we helped them." He said, pulling his collar up. "Oh really?" "I'm serious! Shin-chan gave them some quality advice." "Don't call me Shin-chan." Came the tall guy's voice. I laughed, "Carrot-senpai's name is Shin-chan?" I asked. The short guy choked, "Carrot-senpai?" Grinning, I explained, "Orange clothes, green hair." He burst out laughing. 

When he was done, "What's your name?" "[Name], first year." I replied proudly. He grinned, "I'm Takao Kazunari, second year. And this is Midorima Shintarou, second year as well." 

Midorima Shintarou. The name seemed familiar somehow.

Then a light-bulb light up, "Midorima of the Generation of Miracles!?" "The very same."

I squealed, "That is so cool!" Turning to Carrot-senpai, "So, How has it been? The shift from Teiko to Shutoku? Do you feel that your abilities have improved over here? I hear that you can shoot from the other end of the court, is that true? Could you do that at Teiko? Also, about..." 

He began walking away.

 I blinked for a second, "Carrot-senpai! Wait! I have more questions!" I yelled, jogging after him.

Somehow, it seemed as though his figure kept getting smaller and smaller, making it look suspiciously like he was running away. 

"What's with all the questions?" Asked Takao-senpai. "I'm an aspiring journalist." I stated proudly. "Well then, I guess I'll have to help you fulfill that dream." I looked at him questioningly. "I'll help you get your interview of Shin-chan." He said. 

I gave him a full-blown grin at that.

Juicy story, here I come.  

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