Element of Surprise

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"Could you help me with something I have to deal with? Like... tonight."

"Like what?"

"This is going to a mouthful."

"You can tell me anything, Austin."

"I received a call from Alison's number, and it wasn't her. Someone called with the intention of getting me to meet him, and I don't know what to do..." I was whispering to make sure no one was hearing in on the conversation.

"Where and when is this and why?"

"Remember where I first met you? REALLY close to it. Like the sidewalk of that beach, Angelo."

"That's really fucking weird..."

"I know right? I have to go at 10:20 at night, alone. But I don't know what this is all about and I'm freaking out."

"Listen, I'm gonna come-"

"But I have to go alo-"

"I know you do, but I'll only stay by the gas station close by, that's all."

"You don't have to though Angelo, I only came for advice."

"Yeah, but you need help, we don't know what this is. We need to act smart about this."

"But how?"

This is when I felt regretful, I still remember how he grabbed the piece out the drawer in his room.

"Don't you remember my last experience with that shit?!"

"Calm down Austin, as long as the shooter knows what they're doing it doesn't make anything dangerous. I have it under control."

"How do you know?"

"We don't have time to talk about my street smart. What time is it Austin?"

I looked down at my watch and slowly but surely I was beginning to sweat as I crept my eyes down to my watch.

"It's only 8:45 p.m we have plenty of time."

"Hm, Austin listen up. I've got to tell you a lesson."


"Whenever life gives you an obstacle, sometimes it's either right away, or you have time to react. When you have time, you use it to plan out your reaction to the obstacle. Follow so far?"


"Sometimes one plan isn't enough, and you either must make a choice, or have a backup to save yourself... but sometimes you need to improvise to combat the unexpected. Understand?"

"Yeah yeah, I get what you mean."

"Right now we have time to plan, so here's our resources so far, a gun, your phone, and the time and location of the meet."


"Now we don't know who this is, we could call them back right now or--"

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