only you

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warning explicit content, discretion advised

This is my first fic, you should give me feedback when you're done :)

It was probably around ten, maybe nine who knows, but all I was really aware of was sitting in bed staring absent-mindedly at the TV screen, an old rerun of friends was on. My phone buzzed to tell me someone had decided to text me, but I had no urge to get up from this position. The pillows surrounded me like a nice cozy wall, and so I just stared at the ceiling fan, spinning around and around. I heard the slam of the front door from down the hall, a jingle of keys and the light footsteps coming towards the room. My heart fluttered even after all this time, she stepped through the doorway and it was hard for me not to stare in awe. Ellie's hair was pulled back and damp from her long run, her tight shirt clung to her curves and didn't seem to want to let go, the same went for her shorts, just lightly grasping her butt, but making it ever so sexy. I realized about a minute had passed of me just staring and smiling at her. "Hey," she said softly, she had a slight smirk and quickly glanced down to her phone in her hand, scrolling through some email. I was sort of lost for words so I said something stupid like "So how was the run?" She looked up nonchalantly and replied "Same as always,". Before I could think of another pointless conversation topic she tossed her phone on the pillow next to me and grabbed a towel from the basket of laundry at the edge of the bed. The bathroom door was right across from the bed and Ellie left the door open halfway after she walked through it, I just smiled silently to myself, hoping I would get a peek at something, anything, feeling like a hormonal teenager. After I heard the drop of clothes on the floor I sat up a little straighter and stared intently through the doorway. Just the blur of that light skin was in the doorway for a second and then gone, I decided I just needed to get this urge of raw sex out of my system. I jumped out of bed and tried to get in a mindset for what was gonna happen next. I leaned on the wall right next to the doorway of the bathroom, hearing the water hitting the tile in the shower. My heart was beating fast, and I turned the corner, leaning on the wood of the door staring at the frosted glass. Ellie's pale outline was visible; she seemed at such peace, running her hands through her blonde hair, throwing her head back into the stream of water. My wandering eyes just traced her body, her calves and thighs were pleasantly toned, and just where her thighs met the bottom of her buttox was a perfect crest. I had the biggest desire to trace my fingers up her back, and suck on the nape of her neck. I shifted to start to strip and Ellie turned around and I could see the barely visible sultry smile through the glass. She leaned forward and opened the shower door a crack, poked her head through and said "Come in here, I want you." She lightly laughed, but couldn't hide the desire in her eyes. I dropped my pink panties to the floor, and ripped off my oversized t-shirt with ease. Her curious eyes traced my now exposed body, as my eyes wandered lower and saw her breasts peeking through the cracked door, so supple and full, not to big but just the perfect amount. I don't remember walking over, just the light touch of her lips on mine, our tongues danced off each other, darting in and out. My hand went up to run her fingers through her wet hair and she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the running water. When the hot water hit my skin, a rush of goose bumps ran all over and Ellie giggled as she had her hand running up and down my back, the other tickling the back of my neck. I held her tight and she became more and more vigorous with her perfectly shaped lips. I broke the kiss and went for nibbling her neck, she let out a barely audible moan but I knew she wanted more. I let go of her waist and let my fingers crawl down to her soft spot. The middle finger trailing along her open lips, I could feel the warmth creeping out of her crack. I let my fingers get a little more moist, moving along it with the moan and groan escaping her mouth. I tried to balance as I pushed her against the tile wall, trying not to slip and ruin the moment. She threw her head back and I could tell she was tired of the teasing. I brought my mouth back to hers, sucking on her lower lip and letting out a groan along with her. I slowly pushed my fingers into her dripping pussy. Ellie whimpered and shuddered, slowly pulsing in and out with these eager fingers I traced and rubbed my thumb on her clit. She couldn't help gripping my neck and letting out a few more moans. As I started to go in and out faster she became more and more tense grabbing me more and more tightly. I just stared in pure ecstasy at her face, her eyes closed and her brows raised and furrowed mouth agape with sheer intoxication of the moment. After a few more seconds of this, her back arched just a bit more and her eyes flew open, letting herself go at this peak. She breathed heavy and looked at me in lust and grabbed my butt quickly, "It's my turn," she had a look on her face that can't really be described except for seeing the true inner animal in her. Pushing open the shower door she sucked on my neck pushing me from behind, towards the bed. She threw me down on the sea of white; Ellie just leaned over me for a few seconds and bit her lip. She touched my nose with hers and whispered "I really do love you," she laughed and I reached up to her lips with mine and played with her tongue. "I love you too," I chuckled and she just leaned her forehead on mine and stared intently into my eyes. I could feel a smile on my face and pecked her lips a few times before she sat up on me and started leading a trail of kisses along my front. My pussy was throbbing even more than before, not sure how that was possible though. Leaving small wet spots on my neck, then between my breasts, and then below my stomach. She traced her fingers right above my sweet spot, slowly and teasingly. Ellie barely touched my clit when my body jerked and my legs shot up from the bed, pressing against her head. She giggled and looked at me one more time before hiding her head between my legs. I couldn't help but think of Ellie's perfect everything in this moment of bliss. I could feel her tongue darting in and out, making me arch my back even more each time. When she started sucking and slipped in a finger is when I really couldn't help but toss my head backwards and groan. Her soft moans vibrated against my legs, and I just kept seeing stars. I gripped her hair tighter and felt the wave of ecstasy building, I let out soft whimpers and my back lifted off the bed out of the bucking motion I made when I came. Ellie laughed and jumped up to my face, wiping her mouth on the crook of her arm, and then hungrily sucked on my lips. I moved forward as we played with each other's tongues. I placed one more kiss on her supple lips and she fell back on the pillow out of exhaustion. I lay on my side facing her and traced her face with my fingers, feeling her soft sweet skin under my fingertips. Her eyes were closed and had a tired but still, smile on her face. I kissed the tip of her nose and burrowed my head into her hair that was all over the pillow. I just inhaled her perfect smell and took my fingers up and down her spine, feeling every ridge and piece of her. I pulled the sheet up over us and Ellie had drifted off and turned over sleepily, so I placed my head on the back of her neck, wrapping my arms around her and falling into darkness as sleep crept over me.

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