Chapter 5: Fight for your Life

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Wendy looked at her eldest sister, determination clear in her bright eyes, "Can you take me to Him?"

Elena sighed, "I can lead you, but not accompany you, sister. I belong to the Master of this realm."

The youngest one nodded slowly, her mind going through the facts she had archived in her head a long time ago –– remembering every piece of information about the Underworld she could, searching for anything that might give her an advantage over what waited ahead.

One thought kept nagging at her, If her sister wasn't really dead, then she could go back. Wendy could take her back with her. She silently vowed to do right by her sister. To give a chance at a life that had ben taken from her.

"I'm ready." She finally said, her mind resolved on the list of things she had to do.

First, find the Master. Easy peasy of Elena can lead.

Second, defeat him. Not as easy, ey.

Third, save Frederick and Elena. Assuming I can go past step 2.

Elena understood at that moment what the human had said about her sister. The woman before her was resilient and headstrong. And most importantly, so pure. By the look in her sister's eyes, she was planning to save her as well, even after all she had done.

Her throat knotted at that thought, and deep in her heart something stung, but she could not do more at the moment than wish her sister farewell and good luck. In the blink of an eye, Elena said something under her breath and Wendy disappeared.

Elena released a breath and partially collapsed. Her heart heavy.

In the Pit

Her legs faltered at the feeling of the floor disappearing from under her feet, making her stumble. Wendy looked around wildly, not knowing where she was. She gagged and tried to cough, the wicked smell of Sulphur burned when she took a breath, making her sputter. Her eyes must have been blindfolded or something, because she could only see in shades of brown and red.

Wendy's nose flared; her eyes widened. Something was not right here. When goosebumps appeared on her skin at her finer hairs stood on edge, she knew that there was something lurking.

She did not have to wander for much longer, as a figure blinked into existence before her very eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she softly gasped. The apparition before her someone she thought she would never have to face again. The ––former–– King of Asgard. Her father.

"What the hell?" She asked as a reflex.

The figure chuckled in a sinister manner before adding, "Hell indeed, Wendy."

Wendy did not entirely understand the situation. Because of his action, her father would have to be receiving his punishment, why was he not burning somewhere else? When the man's expression widened further, Wendy understood that what stood before her was not her father. The glint in its eyes made her shiver involuntarily.

"Who are you?" She asked.

It laughed, sending chills down her spine even though the temperature in the pit was suffocating.

"I am whomever I want to be. Whomever you would like me to be."

The witch was ready with a retort, but stopped short when the figure before her changed abruptly, her skin thundering.

"Hey Aunt Wendy! Are you here to kill me again?" Came Ingrid's voice. Her form inching closer to the witch.

Wendy found herself unmoving for a moment, seeing her niece here brought back some unwanted memories. The sadistic smile though, did not belong to her niece. That was all it took to snap her back to the reality of the situation.

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