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(A/N Hello everyone! This is my first song fanfiction. I hope you like it. The girl on the picture is made by myself.)

Soaked to the bone
Sink like a stone
Walk home alone
It's not the first time, it's not the worst crime
Your soul will be okay

Lilith. A 14 years old girl, that was bullied by many people. She used to be a cheerful, funny girl, but they stole her old self. Now she is a quiet girl, that hates to show her emotions. She hoped, that they would leave her alone when she wouldn't cry anymore. She was false. Here she is now. Lying in the cold water of the lake near her home. They hit her many times and threw her into the lake. It was raining. After some time, when she knew her bullies were gone, she walked home. She didn't really care about it that much anymore. It was one part of her Daily Life now.

When you've had enough
Searching for love
And you miss the touch
Of someone new

There he was. The boy with this strange silver hair and green-blueish eyes. His name was Hope. They knew each other since Kindergarten*. He was her best friend and crush for a long time now.
"Good Morning Lilith!" he smiled at her. She quickly covered her bruises "Hey Hope." she fake smiled. "Do you want to learn for the test tomorrow?" Hope asked when they were at his looker. "S-sure... right after school?" 'So the others can't find me...' "Sure. Oh we have to hurry. We don't want to be late for first period." Both of them walked to class.

~Time skip: on her way back home~

It was 8 o'clock pm. The streets were empty and she was alone. Hope asked her, if he should take her home, but she said no. "Hello my little pupped." 'Not they again..' "Don't ignore us!" The boy with long red hair hit her in the face and she felled on the floor. 'It's starting again...' She couldn't do anything. She was not strong enough to fight against 5 persons. So she let them.

Burns by dreams
It's never how it seems
Cold crushed esteem
Take shelter and hide forever
Your soul will be okay

"Finally you are home!" Her mother ran to her. "Are you alright, sweet heart? Did they do it again?" She looked very worried. "Yes, but I don't care anymore." Lilith ran up to her room where she changed into dry clothes and then cried. 'Why does everyone hate me so much? Will I ever be loved?' She thought and hugged her Teddy bear. She never had a Boyfriend. She was still 14, but she wanted someone to love. Sure she had her family, but that wasn't the same! She wanted a Boyfriend... she wanted Hope. Lilith searched for someone, that cared about her, not like the rest of the so called 'friends'. Yes, the once that bullied her called themselves her 'friends'. 1 hour passed and she felt asleep, crying. Her dreams where the only place, where she was save. No bruises, no scars, just her family, Hope and herself. If she could, she would always stay there. THIS was her world, her home, her place where she could be happy like she used to be.

And you've had enough
Searching for love
But you miss the touch
Of someone new

Lilith was at her looker when someone touched her shoulder. "They did it again, didn't they?" It was Hope. "No-" "Don't lie to me!" he was very angry and his emotions took over once again. "Don't lie for them! I know what they do! The destroyed the sweet, innocent, little girl I once new. You can't hide it from me." Lilith didn't say a word. She just walked away**. She knew that Hope just wanted to protect her, but... she didn't want to be the reason, why he would be the next victim.

And you've had enough
Searching for love
But I miss the touch
Of someone new

"He doesn't love you! You are just some ugly little girl! Why should somebody fall for you! You look like-" everyone shouted at her. She was just lying on the floor next to her bag. They said really bad words about her, but her face didn't change. Lilith noticed that they picked her up and threw her again into the lake. "What are you guys doing?" She heard that someone hit one of the bullies. And then another and so on. 'I'm so tired...' It was all to much for her. She just wanted to be in her World. For ever. Where everything is fine and she can be together with Hope. After that thought, she drifted away into her dream

'for ever...'

"Wake up Lilith!" Hope tried to wake her up. After some time, Lilith finally opened her eyes. "I'm not dead?" Hope hugged her. "H-hope." She blushed. She looked around. There were also Snow, Fang and Lightning. "What are you doing her?" She only talked a few times with them, when she was with Hope. They are one grade over Hope and herself. "We asked your mother if you were home. When she said no, we knew that something wasn't right. So we searched for you." answered Snow. "Hope asked us, if we could help him." Lightning said. "T-thanks...." "No problem." Fang smiled at Lilith.

Soaked to the bone
Sink like a stone
I will take you home
It's not the first time, it's not the worst crime
Our souls will be okay

Lilith tried to stand up, but Hope began to carry her bridal style. "H-hope! I can walk on me own!" "I can't let you walk when you are hurt like this. So I have to carry you." he smiled at her. Lilith began to blush "F-fine.." "I will bring her home. Bye everyone and thanks!"

It wasn't the first time he did it. He founded her many times before and carried her the same way, but these times, she was sleeping. Lilith began to cry. "please stop... it will be alright... I'm here for you..." he kissed her head. "I love you..." said Lilith, before she fell asleep.

"I love you too."

(A/N *Kindergarten: yes! A word I know that I wrote it right. Because I'm from germany
** ...didn't say a word. She just walked away: I realised, that this is a line from Last to know by Three Days Grace XD )

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