The Feather

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Birds are beautiful, strange,magestic creatures that are hard to crack or figure out and that's why I though nothing of it when I found a striped ,blue and sliver feather after doing my daily rutien or going to feed beach birds. Afterwards I went up to my room and added it to my special collection. I really love birds. They're different and have interesting ways that's why I wanted to study them. I tried to show my mom but like usual she didn't care. My room had all kinds of pictures, drawings, and feathers or a wide range. If it could fly and was a bird I had it. Even some flightless birds. My name is Kimmi Anderson. I'm seven and 4"6 inches tall. Just tall enough for the fairs big rides. I love to learn as much as I can about birds and other interesting things. I really like to write. I guess I could be a personal spelling bee sense I've won a few contest. I've been called gifted. Anyway, I have short brown curly hair with glasses I never wear and a mile long smile . my mom says I'm to smiley and smart so I just stay out of her way but it makes me more smiley. I could speak out and she wouldn't notice. You have to be right up close in her face its weird. Usually I went to the peir and make the tiny blue crabs run . the next day, I went to my room because I'm always outside exploring so haven't been in there for a while and each day for a week I started to notice small changes like something wasn't right. So I tried to do some research just out of curiosity and you won't believe what I found out. Absolutely nothing. There was no such thing. No feather or bird. Was it even a bird. I tried to search a picture of it books everything. Isn't this an adventure for you . was this a sign? Are there clues to something bigger? How is this possible, I know everything about animals with feathers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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