Horrible tragedy

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"I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE" skyler says and she looks at the blade in her hand. Her boyfriend jake walks in "SKYLER WHAT ARE YOU DOING" he looks at her with fear but he hides it with anger. She looks at him with a "I don't know" face. He screams and says "PUT THE BLADE DOWN". She lookd at the blade and back at her arm and look to him and say "I'm sorry". He looks at her and when she said that he starts pacing back and forth. He doesn't know what to do. Before u know it there is blood running down her arm. He runs over to her and she fell asleep. He shakes her but she won't budge
"SKYLER WAKE UP" I say while tears pour from my eyes. I didn't know what to do so I called 911 and they showed up minutes after. The paramedics came and said "where is she?" I pointed to the bathroom and they rushed to the door and looked in and there was blood all over her and the bathroom floor. They carefully put her in the stretcher and put her in the ambulance car I hoped in there with her holding her hand still crying as I whispered in her ear "please don't go I love you and I know you know that, please stay with my sky". Theyn we arrived at the hospital.
They rushed her in the emergency room. The doctors pushed me back and said "sorry sir you can't go back there".
1 hour later
"Skyler Johnson" the doctor came out and said. I stood up and the doctor took me in a corner and told me "I'm sorry". I broke down and I have never felt this pain before and I couldn't take it anymore and i rushed to my car because I needed some time. While I was driving, my eyes where so watery I couldn't see anything. I ran a red light and a car flew right at me. I heard the sirens but the I saw a light, i kept pushing and pushing but then u thought that my girlfriend had past away, so I decided that I would let the light guide me. Seconds later I saw my beautiful girlfriend skyler holding her hand out. I took her hand and from that point on I knew that me and here were safe now...


Horrible tragedyWhere stories live. Discover now