9 !Vincent's POV!

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*** because my Dom asked me to write something from the Dom's perspective... this is happening. Not sure how good it will turn out. Wish me luck. *bites lip* ****

His knuckles popped as his fingers curled into fists at his sides. They are just shy of trembling with how hard he is clenching his fists.

His inner beast was clawing at him. Howling and snapping and raging. Why? Because right now. In this moment. Vincent was helpless.

He was powerless.

He could not control what was happening. And it just tore at him inside.

He stood inside the door he had just closed and just watched. Watched as he couldn't do a goddamned thing.

The sounds this boy was making were killing him. Fucking tearing at his soul. Why? Because he was in the kind of pain that could leave a good man broken.

And he was. Vincent could see it. The boy was broken. Fragile.

There the boy lay in Isaac's arms as the Dom that had trained him in the ways of safe sane and consensual BDSM did all he could do to comfort the boy as he was breaking apart.

Vincent wanted to let go and destroy something. Anything. He wanted to punch holes in the walls and break furniture. He wanted to yell and bellow and tear something apart.

Because there was not a goddamned thing he could do to put this beautiful boy back together. The worst part... he was so... good. Vincent could see it. Could see how sweet this boy was. So smart and gentle. He doubted there was a mean or vindictive bone in his body.

And it made watching him cry in Isaac's arms all the more torturous.

He couldn't do a damned thing. He stood there, useless. All he wanted was to reach inside the boy and take away all the heartbreak and heal him.

Instead, he stood and watched as the beautiful boy was shaking with sobs and tears rolled down his cheeks and chin falling on Isaac's suit. Even in this moment as his face was red and blotchy and tears and snot and saliva was on his face he was still beautiful like an angel. A little broken angel.

The blood rushed in his ears blocking the boys broken sobs and whimpers as he clutched at Isaac's chest.

He wanted to take the chair next to him and break it against the wall. His fingernails were biting into his palms. His body wanted to move. His body wanted to grab the boy and make him forget. Wanted to fix him.

And it burned him that Isaac held him in his arms caressing his back and hair and trying to hold this little angel together. He had never before been angry at his mentor. He had never before wanted to rip his mentor's hands off of a boy that he was helping.

Vincent trusted Isaac more than any other man in his life. He looked up to him and was grateful to the man who taught him how to be a real man and a True Dominant.

But he felt his inner beast want to rip Skyler out of his arms and snarl at him to never touch him again.

But that was the thing. Vincent was always in control of himself and his inner beast. He knew that Isaac was more capable of helping the broken boy in his arms. Isaac was a good man. An admirable man. The kind of man that was better at being gentle and soft and affectionate.

Hell the first time in years that he had held a sub after a scene was when Skyler had first gifted him with his submission.

Just thinking of it set his inner beast howling. He had been perfect. So goddamn beautiful. He didn't beg. He didn't fight it and brat. No... He had willingly handed over control to Vincent with all encompassing trust that moved him in a powerful way and fed the need inside for control and trust.

Skyler didn't deserve to hurt like this. It made Vincent's blood boil. It made him want nothing more than to take away that pain. It made him want to help him.

So he stood there and watched as Isaac rocked Skyler in his arms and ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed his back and kept quietly talking to him. Watched as Isaac told him over and over that there was nothing that he could have done. That it wasn't his fault. That he was a good boy and to breath. He watched as Isaac let the boy break apart in his arms and then proceeded to gently put him back together just enough.

He stood there and witnessed the little angel cry until his strength gave way and he lay falling into an exhausted sleep on Isaac's lap. His body curled into Isaac's chest.

Because that was what was best for Skyler. Isaac knew what to do. Isaac knew how to deal with a young broken man. So Vincent stayed back. He didn't reach out and touch the little angel. No. Because this was what was best for him right now.

Vincent hadnt said a single word. Hadnt moved then entire time. He just stood like a statue gazing at Skyler. His jaw clenched the muscle there jumping till it was sore. His hands fisted at his sides. His body tense and standing rigid and locked together like this.

When Skyler was finally asleep his body lay limp against Isaac's chest his lips parted and breathing since his nose was stuffy. His face still pink and blotchy. His eyes puffy. His cheeks tear stained.

Isaac was still gently rubbing circles slowly into his back.

Their eyes finally met.

Vincent saw Isaac look into him. The man had known more about Vincent than anyone in his entire life. He always had. With the knowing solomn look in Isaac's eyes Vincent knew that his mentor saw into him and his inner turmoil.

Vincent moved over to the closet and took out a blanket. He then moved slowly and silently to Isaac and Skyler and covered the boy with the soft blanket. He kept his eyes away from Isaac's knowing gaze.

Instead he looked at Skyler. So... so fragile...

His hand reached out just about to run his fingers through his silky soft white hair. But he stopped. He needed to rest. His hand hovered there for a moment fighting with himself. Then he took control of himself and his fingers curled into a fist and he backed away to sit on the opposite couch.

His body sat straight and his eyes landed back on Skyler. Why was he still here? What could he do for this young broken man? But he couldn't walk out of this room. He had always been proud of his self control. But he could not force himself to walk away from this room. He just couldn't.

So he would wait.

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