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I run though the school yard hopping that I won't get caught, again.

"Miss. Bentley!" I stop in my tracks at the sound of the voice. "Astrid Bentley, where do you think you're going?"

"Class?" I say sheepishly , my teeth clenching into a tight grip. Her ice cold stare peers through my soul, as if she's looking for a purpose.

"Then why aren't you there?" she quizzes, her eyes fixed on mine.

"I - I," I stutter, trying to find words to say. "I didn't hear the bell." I shrug, hoping she'll buy it.

"Well, if I were you, I would come up with better excuses." she disses. "Why are you still standing here? Get to class!" she screeches. I run off in the opposite direction, skimming through the halls for my class. I end up fifth teen minutes late.

"Miss. Bentley, where have you been?" voices and thoughts keep cramming into my head as I look around the room, eyeing everyone's cold hard stares.

I block out all of the horrible vibes cramming into my head.

"Astrid," he repeats. I look up at him, he points at my seat. I rush over to my seat, trying to push all the harsh comments out of my head.

I drop my bag on the floor, before bending over to grab all my books. He turns around to continue the lecture, but I tune it out. Instead, I fix my eyes on a certain point in the room, staring blankly at the fixed point.

"Miss. Bentley, the answer." all eyes are directed to me. I look around the room then back at the teacher, he's waiting for the answer. If I give a false answer, I'm in trouble. But if I somehow give a correct answer, I'm safe. "Miss. Bentley, we're waiting."

"42?" I hesitantly say. The class breaks out in laughter.

"Nice try Miss. Bentley, but we're in English, not Maths." he corrects me. I sulk down in my chair, hopping that it'll all go away. In my mind it helps, but in reality, it just makes it worse.

The rest of the day goes on as usual, nothing new happening. When the bell rings, signaling time for dismal, everyone rushes out of the building, as if there was a fire erupting. I move with the crowd of people through the halls, and towards the main doors of the building.

I walk along the sidewalk, the color fading. The sidewalk leads me into the main streets of the town, noise now filling the air. I continue walking along the sidewalk, mining my manners and avoiding direct contact.

The shop smells of vintage records and crisp air.

"Astrid," I look around, wondering who called me. Next thing I feel is arms slithering around my waist. I look up to see Ben, the manager staring at me. His arms are still locked around my waist, his eyes staring deep into mine. "You're late,"

"I know," I mumble, pushing him off of me. I walk towards the back of the shop, my eyes glimpsing around. I open the small storage closet and throw my bag and winter coat in it, revealing my jumper that reads, "Teenage Mess". I shut the door, before returning to my current duty. An arm sticks out, my eyes meeting Ben's as he places something in my hand. My name tag. "Thank you,"

His arms slip around my waist, holding me tightly, forcing my head to be pressed against his chest. One hand strokes my hair, while the other stays at my waist, keeping my secured. I watch his hand stroke my hair, his arm covered in tattoos.

"How's school going?" he mumbles in my ear, his raspy voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Good," I mumble into his chest.

"Anything new?" he quizzes as he places a kiss on my head.

"Not really," I respond. We stay in this position for a moment, until we're interrupted by the sound of the bell linked to the door. I stand on my tip toes, trying to overlook Ben's shoulder. The figure standing in the doorway is a man in a fedora, a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. He walks over to a pile of records on a table and begins flipping though them. "I should go help him," I make up an excuse. Ben releases me, his eyes watching me walk over to the man. "Hi," I puff out. His eyes meet mine, causing him to take off his glasses. His green eyes stare right through me, as he scans me. He shoves his glasses in his pocket, before a smile appears on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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