Miss Independent

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"Marceline, for the last time I don't. Need. Help."


"And stop calling me that!"

"-is it that you don't need help, or you don't want help?"


"You look exhausted-"

"Well I'm FINE! Now go fight monsters or something and leave me alone!"

Marceline ceased hovering while Princess Bubblegum continued storming on.


Bubblegum kept walking.

Marceline pulled a slight frown and let out a huff. Why was she always so difficult? She was close to letting fly the spiteful words she'd been struggling to bite back, but she knew she couldn't. She wouldn't let the diss she was receiving get to her.

"Bonnie, I'm actually trying to be nice here. At least try to take advantage." The vampire had resumed her floating beside the princess.

"I am. If you were nice you'd listen to me!"

"Hey, I said trying."

Marceline was slightly pleased to see a smile tugging at the corners of PB's mouth.



"...I'm already at the gates of the kingdom, you can leave me be now."

"I think not little missy," Marceline's pace didn't slow in the slightest, "I'm gonna make sure you make it to your room safely."

Princess Bubblegum rolled her eyes and continued storming on.

The two girls didn't go unnoticed through the bustling streets of the Candy Kingdom. Their bickering continued until the very entrance of the palace, where Bubblegum was truly at the end of her fuse.

"Oh honestly Marceline!" She cried out in frustration. "I don't understand why you're suddenly so interested in bothering me lately!! Is there a reason? Or are you trying to tick me off?"

Marceline frowned. Now her feelings were hurt. Just great.

"Y'know Bonnibell, I bet if it was Finn who was 'bugging' you, you'd be all for it. In fact, you probably would've handed him all those papers and your entire life story before he even asked." She pouted. Now it was the princess's turn to frown.

"What is that supposed to mean, exactly?"

Marceline blushed ever so slightly."Just that you'd do anything for him. After all he is your HERO." She spat. She no longer felt like containing her jealousy.

Bubblegum stared at Marceline with wide eyes. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to respond to that. The vampire queen, however, was no longer in the mood for Bubblegum's playing-hard-to-get attitude. She crossed her arms and looked away, the blush in her cheeks more noticeable. However, she wasn't the only one with red cheeks by now.

"Well... Of course he's my hero..." Bubblegum noticed Marceline clench her jaw, "after all he's saved me and my kingdom so many times..."

"So that's how I get noticed around here? By playing Mr. Amazing?" Marceline huffed, still averting her gaze.

"Why do you need to get noticed anyways?" The princess asked with genuine curiosity. The other could only blush harder.

"N-none of your business." She muttered. "Look, since you obviously don't need me here, I'm just gonna go." Marceline turned and began to take off.

Bubblegum bit her lip, feeling guilty and ashamed of herself. Why did she always have to act so rudely to Marcy?

"Marceline wait!"

She lifted up her arm as if to try and reach for the girl who was flying away. The weight of the pile of documents was too much for only one of her arms, and she ended up dropping the entire stack, sending the papers flying everywhere.

"Oh for glob's sake!!" She shouted in frustration. Today really wasn't her day.

Marceline, having heard the fluttering pages and PB's outburst, quickly made her way back down to help out.

In her anger at herself, Bubblegum hadn't noticed a second pair of hands gathering up the sheets of paper. At least, not until one of those hands was on to top of hers. She jumped at the cold touch and looked up to see Marceline. The two stared at each other, neither bothering to move their hands.

"Listen Marceline-"

"Don't worry about it Bonnie."


"It's fine. Just lemme take at least half of these things and I'll be out of your hair."

Bubblegum nodded and the two continued to collect the papers without another word. Once every sheet was found, they split the stack and each carried half through the castle and up to Bubblegum's room, where they sat them down on her bed.

Now they stood in awkward silence, simply staring into each other's faces. Finally, Bubblegum took a deep breath and spoke up.

"I... Thank you Marceline," she said with a faint grin. "And... I'm sorry I was being such a jerk earlier..."

To the princess's great surprise, Marceline leaned in and pecked her on the mouth.

"It's fine Bonnie," she whispered, her lips grazing against Bubblegum's as she spoke. "And I'm sorry for not taking the hint."


"If I have to push our relationship this much, then you're obviously not interested." She backed away and smiled at the princess. "Just thought I'd give you an idea of what you're missing out on. Looks like I'm off."

With a parting nod she made her way over to the nearest window and opened it. Bubblegum could only watch, stunned at the vampire's sudden course of actions. As Marceline threw her leg over the windowsill, she realized that she didn't want her to leave. And also that she had enjoyed that kiss much more than she should have.

She hurried over and grabbed the vampire by her hand. "Wait.."

Marceline was taken aback when she turned her head and was met by the sweet taste of Bubblegum's warm lips. She hardly allowed herself a moments worth of shock before kissing back. The candy girl found she was expecting this; she tilted her head to deepen the lip action.

It was over all too quickly and both women found themselves wanting more, but decided against it for fear of losing themselves completely. They took a moment to let what just happened sink in, barely able to control their grins.

"... I should leave."

Bubblegum nodded, wearing a dreamy smile.

"If you don't mind, I'll come to that party you're having tomorrow."

"No, I wouldn't mind at all."

"Good 'cause I was coming either way." Marceline was now outside, hovering by the window. "Well, I'm going now."

"Goodbye Marceline."

"Later Bonnibell."

The princess watched the vampire fly away and do several flips in the air, while letting out a triumphant whoop. She giggled and put a hand to her cheek, which already hurt from smiling. She waltzed over to her bed and flopped down on it, letting the papers fall over and scatter along the floor. She would deal with them later, after she took care of her giddy feelings with about an hour of squealing and daydreaming.

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