chapter two

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Hey guys please follow my twitter @attomicniall it would mean alot <3 thank you for reading......

*3 weeks later*

"FINALLY" I say as I find my bright blue pumps that I have been looking for all day, Lindy has invited me to one of the 'rich' kids party's tonight but she said that I have to dress nice, so here I am ripping my cupboards apart looking for my 'going out' dress clothes which I had put underneath e v e r y t h I n g! it is currently 6pm which leaves me 2 hours to do my hair and makeup. Shit. I ran over to my bathroom and quickly got everything together, I decided to do my makeup first. I started off with just foundation, lip stick and blush then added a Smokey eye, it looked pretty good if I say so myself. after i had finished i looked down to my phone to see 1 new message flash up, it was from Lindy

from: Lindy ;) xx

HEY GIRL! im waiting out side your house so come on! WE GOT A PARTY TO GO TOOOOO :D x

I didnt bother replying, instead just ran downstairs saying a short goodybye to my aunt before stepping outside into the cold winter air "i guess its time to party" i whispered to myself as i saw Lindy screaming the lyrics to an unknown song and looking like she was already drunk. after a few minutes of reasoning we decided it was best if i drove because of the fact that she was a bit tipsy and would be the safest idea.

after 5 minutes of driving i finally started to hear a faint thumping comin from what seemed like the end of the street we were on. Very soon later we reached the house and slid out of the car to be welcomed with the smell of alcohol and smoke burning our noses, i could already tell this was going to be a good party.

*10 minutes later*

it had been a good 4 or 5 minutes since i had lost Lindy in the growing crowd and i was getting a little bit overwhelmed by all of the sweaty teens that surrounded me on all angles. I decided to make my way upstairs to hopefully find a nice quite room just for me to sip at my drink and relax in, when i finally made it up the stairs past all of the snogging people i started to look for a room. Most of them were occupied by people trying to find 'alone time' together but i finally found one, i walked inside and i instantly got hit by a heavenly smell of men i looked around and determined that this room must infact belong to the boy that was said to live here with his older sister, Harry i think his name was.....

after a few minutes of harmless snooping i sat on the edge of his bed trying to rest my feet from the massive heels i was wearing and just as i was about to take my left heel off the door slowely opened to reveal a rather good looking boy with wavy brown hair and what looked like green eyes, i quidkly looked to my side seeing a picture of the boy. Oh god, this just wasnt any drunk teenager, It was Harry Styles the 'rich kid' of town.

When he finally looked away from the people outside and into his room he spotted me, I wasn't sure if his expression was anger or surprise but either way it was very intense, it felt like his eyes were burning into my very soul and reading all of my secrets. After a few minutes of an uncomfortable silence I decided to break it " I am so sorry about intruding I didn't know that this was your room, I only came here to sit and i-" "Love, its fine you'd be surprised by how many times this has happened to me before" Harry cut me off with a smirk " Oh well um I was actually just about to leave so yea um s-sorry, good bye" I then got up off he bed and made my way towards the door which Harry was standing right in front of and when I got there, he didn't budge. "common babe you really don't expect me to let you leave without even knowing your name" I was just about to reply when my phone rudely interrupted our conversation with a call from Lindy, I quickly answered it and apologised to harry and left the room.

(phone call)


Grace: God Lindy! how drunk are you!?

Lindy: WEEELLLLL someone gave me a drink and it was good so i had alot and his name was tom or something but im going to leave with him! he said he lives alone so im going to fuck him!

Grace: Wow Lindy to much information i did NOT need to know that, but anyway, be safe and use protection and dont let him drive because he is probably drunk, i want you to call a cab. Got it?

Lindy: ok mum, see you on mondaayyy!

(end of phone call)

When i pressed end i looked over my shoulder to see Harry standing there with an intense look on his face  

"You know it's not very nice to listen into people's conversations" I said in a teasing tone "oh But it is ok when that person was just sitting on my bed and are still in my house" he replied throwing a wink my way. I instantly looked down to hide y blushing face from him, you see I blush very easily and situations like this don't really help me it that department. I awkwardly cleared my throat and looked around the now nearly empty hallway "hey, where did everyone go?" I asked oblivious to my prior surroundings "Well judging that it is nearly 3am I think they have all either crashed here or gone home to sleep the alcohol off" even before I got the chance to reply Harry was speaking again "and I'm sure that it would be fine if you wanted to stay here, after all I don't think it is very safe for you to walk home alone, you can just stay in my room with me if you want" he said with a small smile playing at his lips. It took me a while to decide wether I should stay or not ad finally I chose to stay at the house because I was still very tipsy and as he said it was late and wasn't safe or me to walk home. We walked back into Harry's room and he picked out a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt for me to sleep in so I was more comfortable. After Harry had finished having a shower he came out with a towel wrapped loosely around his lower waist revealing his happy trail to me "take a picture it lasts longer" he said with a rather big smirk I hadn't even noticed that I was staring, it's just that he had so many tattoos and they all had do much details, my favourite was the two swallows on his collar bones, I had noticed them sticking out of his shirt when we were talking before. As he moved over to his cupboard to get some clothes on my eyes followed watching the way that his back muscles moved as he walked and when he reached down how his arm la tenses and retracted, he was truly a beautiful person. After five minutes of him drying his hair and getting comfortable in his bed and i was still standing in the corner of the room awkwardly. Harry just gave me a weird look and motioned me to join him in the bed, I slowly walked over and got into the bed as far away as I could because I had only met this boy a few hours before and didn't intend on getting too close to him, with that he turned off the light and them rolled into his side to face me " goodnight grace, I hope you have a lovely sleep" he said in a husky voice, he must have been tired... "Thank you Harry, the same goes for you. Night" and after exchanging small smiles I rolled to my back and let sleep take over.....

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