Chapter One

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Miserable at Best

"Yeah, I can live without you but, without you I'll be miserable at best."

"Hey, Katie!,"Sean growled. "Katie!"

"Huh?," I ripped off my headphones looking at his delicate blue eyes before anything else.

I always noticed his blue eyes before anything else, they could catch my attention anytime. He seemed to be wearing a dark-ish light-ish red hoodie with white strings attached, dark blue jeans, and of course his messy blue hair in the morning. (Extra information; neighbourhood friend, knew each other since they were 11, known each other for 5 years, Sean comes and visits Katie every now and then to see how she's doing)

"Uhm, I'm going togo to the corner store to get some snacks, you want anything from there while I'm gone?," He asked.

There was a pause for a moment before I looked down at the sheets on my bed.

"Kate?," Sean called me for short.

"Oh...," I sighed.

"Okay then. Text me if you change your mind.," he told me before leaving my bedroom.

"Bye...," I whispered as I fell back onto my bed.

To be honest, it seems like our friendship has drifted apart. I... I don't know why though. I place my headphones back on and start listening to Ghosts by Feenixpawl ft. Melissa Ramsay. (It's an actual song) But of course when the song even starts I feel my phone vibrate realizing it was a text from Sean.

"Hey, you thought of anything yet? I'm almost there."

"Uhh, no. I don't need anything, I'm fine. Really.," I text back.

"Okay. I'll see you in at least 15 minutes.," he replies.

I set my phone down calmly listening to the music playing.

"What a mess we have on our hands tonight, chasing ghosts we thought we left behind.," The lyrics sang.

Minutes passed by and it felt like hours. It seems pretty boring when Sean isn't around...

"Hey, I'm back!,"I hear Sean close the door behind him.

"Seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!,"I yell ripping off my headphones, jumping straight off of my bed, runout of my room, and hug him right when he gets off of the stairs.

"Whoa, could you calm down there a bit?," he laughs.

"Sorry. It just feels like forever when you're gone. Y'know..," I let go.

"Yeah. I know that feeling... I guess.," his smile fades. "Oh and umm. I wondered if we could rent a movie on the TV and watch it... I bought popcorn.,"Sean added.

"Sure! That'd be a great idea.," I smile. "But you'd probably have to go home after the movie though...," my smile slowly faints.

"I can always come another day, you know.," he says while placing the bag of snacks on the counter.

"True... well. What movie are we going to watch?," I question following him into the kitchen.

Oi, kay. I can't figure out a movie so just pick one out for yourself.

~~~~~~~~~ <Those mean transitions. (one just happened)

~~Sean's Point of View~~ (there's also different points of views for different characters so it's not my fault if you don't know who's talking. XD I say who's point of view it is here and there)

"That was a nice movie I guess.," Katie stated.

"Yeah.. it was.,"I agree while rubbing an eyelash out of my eye. "Well, I gotta go now. It was nice talking to you for the past couple of days. Justus."

"Yup...," she bit her lip and looked down.

"Why the long face?," I ask standing up.

"It's just pretty boring here when you're gone.," she responds.

"Hey. Look on the bright side. At least we live close to each other and go to the same school.," I try my best to lighten up the mood.

"True...," Katie sighs.

"Well. It's best if I get going. It's 8:30 PM. See you tomorrow at school!," I say walking out of the living room to the front door.

"Bye...," she murmurs following me.


I rub my eyes looking at the time 8:35, I should get going to sleep. I'm pretty tired at the moment.

Miserable At BestWhere stories live. Discover now