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Cheekowando woke up to find his uncle and sister holding the door. "There is the biter things" whispered the uncle "Get something heavy over here". His sister spoke to him in a heavy African accent "We should get the wardrobe papa gave us". Cheekowando lifted the wardrobe to the door and the uncle took a break. Then a "Bitter" broke through the window and bit Cheekowando's uncle on the arm, the uncle took his hammer and swung it into the bitters skull and caused it to cave in. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" screamed the uncle muffled. He covered the wound with his spare shirt he bled heavily. His uncle passed out from blood loss. Cheekowando's sister and himself woke up to his uncle rolling out of bed. His uncle shuffled toward them extending his arms. He lunged on Cheekowondo and tried to bite him. Cheeckowando held him back, then his sister hit hi uncle in the head with her wooden board. Cheekowando then kicked his uncle off him, his uncle toppled to the floor only to slowly push himself back up. Cheeckowando grabbed his uncles hammer and caved his uncles head in. He and his sister took all of their food (3 cans of beans and 2 cans of peaches) and a bedroll each and their 2 waters. They escaped through the back door, they then caught the bright, hot, boiling, Zimbabwe sun in their eyes. They ran all the way to the car and found the keys in the ignition, they drove the car to their very small bungalow just north of the village. They went into the bungalow, unpacked and cooled off, then they made small talk. They talked about their uncle, and what they would do next, then each ate a can of peaches. Cheekowando grabs his gun when a group of 3 Africans enter the bungalow and grab his sister, the people point their machete to his sister and give a "look'y here" glance. They cut her throat and then Cheekowando shoots all of them with his 38. police special, takes one glance at his sister then vomits uncontrollably. He picked up the machete and drug the bodies outside except for his sisters, he put her in the corner and talked with her.

The next day Cheekowando was talking with his sister when she came alive, he just cut off her head and cried deeply, he then drug her outside and buried her. He then ate a can of beans.

The next day Cheekowando then felt that he was so lonely it drug him into depression and he heard his conscience say "go check outside" Cheekowando felt the need to go outside and heard rustling in the bushes, he decided to go over there and out jumped a biter and bit his leg. He fell over and the biter slowly came near him Cheekowando took his gun and shot it. "Grrrrrrrrrllllllggg" heard Cheekowando and saw about 30 biters shuffling toward him, he wasted every last bullet shooting half of the biters in the head. He then took out his machete and lunged into the group of biters.

I'm not that kind of author, he emerged with bites all over him and he slowly fell to his knee's he then screamed "WHY DID YOU CURSE ME LE-EYO" then slowly turned into what both his deceased family members were

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