The Meeting

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27. We rushed down the hill, m16’s and AK’s roaring all around us (and in our hands), but we still had a single goal, a lone target, the tank. It was sitting in the middle of everything launching shells at the hills around us. We pulled up and Cody pulled his rocket launcher off his shoulder and flipped up the sights, now we just had to keep him covered and give him a clear line of fire. Easier said than done since the Al-Qaeda terror cell had clustered around the tank trying to protect it, no chance of a clear line of fire from this position. Looking around I noticed the barn had windows in an upper floor, I tapped Cody on the shoulder and he put his rocket launcher back over his shoulder and we ran into the barn. We found an old ladder and climbed it. We found a walkway around the upper part of the barn with a few bales of hay left. We ran over to a window with a clear view of the tank and Cody unslung his launcher again, took aim, and this time he had a perfect line of fire view, he pulled the trigger and the rocket took off, the tank exploded with such force that we were almost blown off the walkway onto the cold, hard floor below. We ran back to the window, with our assault rifles this time, but it wasn’t needed, burned and crispy terrorist bodies were laying everywhere, they were clustered around the tank so the explosion blew them all to bits. The fight was pretty much over at that point. We all climbed down back to the front of the barn, I turned and looked at everyone here in turn, in a little less than a week’s time they went from average school kids to elite killers. I settled my gaze on our mass force and I spoke up “The fight has ended, but Al-Kini is still missing and there are a few stragglers around yet, split up into groups of five or six and search every little nook and cranny until you find Al-Kini and the rest of the Taliban fighters, go!” I turned around to Baxter and his men, as well as my own team, “Well, I’m guessing your gonna stick around to help find the dirt bag.”

“No, and neither are you, however my team is gonna stick around. The General wants to see you and your team back at the Pentagon, they’re sending another two squads to help with the search, and I’m going too personally to guard you on the trip back. So, round up your team and I’ll call the chopper around.” Baxter said

“Why are we going back to the Pentagon and why are you the only one escorting us?”

“Your questions will be answered in due time, but for now just enjoy the chopper ride and relax while you can, you’ve been through a lot lately.”

“Is Kelsey alright? I’m not leaving till she can go with.”

“She’s coming around and my medic said she’ll be good enough to travel to the Pentagon, if you want my advice, don’t worry, she’s strong willed and she’s a fighter.”

“Thanks, and you don’t have to tell me she’s a fighter, you didn’t see what she did to those Taliban.” he smirked at that

“I honestly don’t think I wanna see what she did to them, now we got a chopper to catch, let’s go.” He said walking forward through the mess of the farm, the smell of burning flesh polluting the air.

                28. I ran into the clinic to see her and the medic pulled me aside and said “She will be a little weak for a while, she lost a lot of blood out there, but luckily none of the bullets hit anything vital, one missed her carotid artery by just millimeters, she should make a quick recovery.”

“Thank you, for everything.” I told him breathing a huge sigh of relief, I sat down beside her and she gripped my hand, “How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“I don’t know, why don’t you try being turned into Swiss cheese, definitely different from how I’ve ever felt before.” She said, giggling just a little as she said it.  The same girl that I had grown to love, I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek as she gently ran her thumb over the back of my hand.

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