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Turtum family has lived in the Philippines for as long as their ancestors lived there,but their is a change, Beldum Turtum and Ray Turtum had left the Philippines and their daughter mary ann Turtum will study in a different school, it is hard for mary ann cause their languages are hard to understand

Mary ann:Mom!i am bored
Beldum :then go to sleep,I'll wake you up when we home
Ray:yes pumpkin ,were almost there
Mary ann: but dad,I'm bored of sleeping
Beldum:then take your phone out and go open your Facebook
Mary ann:no WiFi connection
Ray:oh !we are here

The house was old and dust all over and it was not as mary ann pictured it she thaught of a simple house that was exciting

Beldum:hey ,i know it looks bad but i thought that you like adventure and books
Mary ann :ye but that does not mean i like dust!?
Ray: hey!come check this out a library and its big
Mary ann:wow,that changes everything, i love it, mom can i put my bedroom here
Beldum:sure,anything for you my darling
Ray :here comes the moving van
Movers:miss,if you would just sign here and here,thank you

While mary ann's parents were busy ,mary ann got bored and went exploring the house ,and she though she could read a little but when she took one of the books it didn't came out instead a passage was open it had a table and a book on the table and on it it had a rose picture and a pen that had no ink so she opened the book and found something that said dear diary,
It is very nice to see my best friend kian happy with me in class i sure hope he doesn't notice my feelings for him

Til then,
Mari anne
On the diary mary ann found she found the house to be more exploring

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