Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Cracked Ace gang. That was the name of the gang that was souly built upon belief and justice. The leader of this hopeful gang was not just a man, but a man who believed that all people involved in gangs, must be drained of their poisonous ways. This was not just placed towards the wild gangs that pro-trolled Japan, but also his gang. This man believed in more than peace, though he couldn't seem to grasp it, there would always be something else ahead of his dream. And the members of his gang would lay their lives down, with their full intention of hope placed into this man to seek the better future.

The gun was knew or saw it coming...

The night air was thick with fog but it was midsummer in Japan...the cherry blossoms were in bloom and the Cracked Ace gang stood in the empty spaces of the carpark.

There were no sounds to be heard, not even the sound of a leaf falling from it's branch...but...this silence did not last...BANG..

The sound was so loud and it was from close range...

"Get down, it was a trap" yelled Reelz, the gangs leader.

But it was to late, the unknown bullet had already penetrated through John's chest.

The members of the Cracked Ace gang had run and sought refuge behind the brick wall that stood just outside of the carpark.

John's eyes had widened with the sudden shock of impact and began to collapse, although...Reelz managed to step in and had caught him in his shivering arms.

"Reelz...I can, I can feel my chest filling up..." mumbled John as blood began to flow out through the seeping gaps in his mouth.

"Hang on John" Reelz had shouted as he dragged John's body across the gravel in the carpark, leaving a thick trail of blood. "We have to leave now" he had shouted.

The gang members began to retreat further back, but it was to late...the Blue Guns gang had already arrived with crow bars in hand and ready for a killing.

"No, you get out of here NOW REELZ" insisted Archie, Reelz best pal.

"I'm, so scared" John mumbled again as his eyes began to become dull.

"No I won't let you die" said Reelz with frustration, as he already knew from the moment of impact that there was nothing he could do. Nothing he say to take the fear away, there was no hope for John.

"Brother...please, look after Kate...she, she always loved you.." gasped John as the last bit of warm air left his dying body.

" can't die, please, you can't leave me here, remember our promise, that we'd see this through to the end" shouted Reelz holding a tight grip on John's black leather jacket.

...There was no response...

Reelz now sat there, on the blood stained ground, clutching John's lifeless body...several moments had passed and there was another gunshot. John's body had fallen to the ground and Reelz was pushed back due to the sudden blow.

"Reelz" screamed Archie. Reelz eyes were in complete shock as he started to apply pressure against his exposed wound on his shoulder.

"What's wrong Archie?" shouted Barry one of the other members.

"Reelz has been shot" he answered in a panic voice.

Barry had gasped for a split moment, "I want you, to take Reelz out of here and get him back to the base" he demanded.

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