Chapter 5

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Later that day.

Ang went for a swim and Dawn was inside making cookies when the phone rang. It was Howie calling to say that he and the guys would love to join them. "Great" said Dawn "Ill call ahead and get us a private room. Will meet you there at 6:30, ok?". "Sure Dawn. Are you going to tell Ang were coming?" "No, Howie. Shes still acting funny. I dont want to scare her off." "Ok, well see you there."

Dawn and Ang arrived at the restaurant around 6:45. Ang had spoken with her mom and they were running late. Once inside they gave their names to the hostess who showed them to a table in a back room. Ang looked puzzled until she saw that the guys were all there. Brian had brought Leighanne and Kevin had brought Kristin as well. Hugs were exchanged and their orders were taken. Brian asked Ang if she was okay because she looked pale and she said she was fine. Leighanne told her to feel free to call if she wanted to talk at anytime. Ang thanked her.

Dinner was delicious. Ang had her favorite dish fajitas, along with a margarita and she was feeling better than she had all day. It was really nice getting away from worries and going out with new friends. During dessert, Ang stood and said "Id like to say something." Everyone turned to look at her. Blushing, she continued. "I really want to thank you all for coming tonight. I know Dawn put you up to it. I forgive her for now. I just met you all a few days ago, but it feels like weve known each other a lifetime. Thank you for letting me into your lives my baggage and all. However, Im afraid, and Im sorry Dawn to spring this on you now that I have to leave and go back to Minneapolis. I really wanted to stay longer, but I have to take care of, um, a situation. Im booked on a flight tomorrow afternoon. Im sorry. I hope you understand." Then she grabbed her purse and ran out of the restaurant. Howie and AJ were first to head after her but Leighanne stopped them. "No, Kristin, Dawn and I will go. You guys go home, to Ajs or Nicks and well call you in a bit." The guys nodded and the women headed off to find Ang. She hadnt gotten far. They found her by Dawns car sobbing.

"Come with us, Ang" Leighanne said and they drove to Dawns. When they got there, they led her inside and sat her down on the sofa. Dawn noticed the answering machine was flashing and upon checking the messages found that AJ and the guys had already called. There was another call, from Marc. He was demanding she come home immediately or he would come after her.

The ladies circled around Angtaking her hands and offering their shoulders. Ang started crying and crying. No one spoke for the longest time. Then Ang said "Im very afraid. Mom told me that Marc is demanding to know where I am and she is afraid hell do something. Thank goodness I had already changed the locks at the condo, but that wont stop him." Leighanne and Kristin looked at Dawn; not sure if what they were hearing was true. Dawn nodded. Ang continued. "I left Marc after a 6 year relationship because I could no longer tolerate the control and the abuse. My job, my clothes, my friends, everything was his way. If he didnt approve, I did as I was told, or I paid the price." She looked at Dawn then, "I never told you this before Dawn, nobody knows, but I didnt go to a teachers conference last month -- I was in the hospital. Marc broke my ribs. Oh, God, I cant believe Im telling you this. Hell kill me for sure this time." She wept and Dawn hugged her close. Leighanne got up, went to the back porch and called Brian on the cell phone. Explaining everything to him she then said, "Bring Howie. She needs him even if she wont admit it." She hung up and went back in. Kristin and Dawn had gotten Ang a glass of wine and Kristin was now sitting with her, hugging her, both of them crying. Dawn was on the phone to Angs mom, getting more details. When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, Dawn answered the door to 5, very angry and sad men. Kristin and Leighanne were sitting with Ang on the couch. Ang had stopped crying earlier, too exhausted to cry anymore. No one knew what to say this was the worst thing they could imagine and even though they had all just met, it hurt them to know what she had been through.

Dawn helped Ang to her room, while Leighanne and Kristin filled the guys in on the whole conversation. Dawn was back a minute later. "Shes asleep. I think the wine helped. I cant let her go tomorrow. Im so scared hell kill her this time. I never did like him and now I know why." Dawn said, weeping.

AJ said, "She wont let us stop her. Shes too much under his control still. But, weve got to do something."

Nick just shook his head. "I dont know, man. Its so sad." Brian and Kevin hugged their wives, not quite understanding how this could have all happened. Howie was pacing the floor. "She told me he was controlling her, but I never thought it would be this bad. It explains so much. She looked so hurt and sad today."

Dawn stood up. "I called her mom a while ago, and she too, doesnt want her to come home. This trip was the best thing shes done for herself in years and she said she sounded so happy on the phone. But, honestly, I dont think shell stay. Shes not the same person she was a few days ago. She cant run forever. We need to support her and let her know we care for her and let her handle it. I dont want to, but I must."

They all agreed and decided to hang out until Ang woke up. Around 10:30, Ang came downstairs to see her eight friends in the living room. Nick reached her first and helped her to the couch. Her eyes were puffy from crying and she was shaking. Howie came over with a blanket and covered her up. "Im here for you mi amor. Im not leaving until I know youre okay." She nodded and hugged him. One by one, they came over to offer her a hug and support. Ang sat up and smiled.

"I am so sorry to ruin your evening. My original plan was just to take off and leave Dawn a note, but I couldnt. I never expected it to turn out this way though. You all know my little secret, so I really must go home now."

Kevin spoke up first. "Angeline, you are our friend. We are glad you told us what happened. It saddens us so to see you hurting especially to have been hurt, so brutally, by someone you were committed to. We wont stop you from returning home, but we will hope and pray that you have an uneventful end to this. We will be here for you. You can call any or all of us at any time. And, we hope you will return to Orlando soon"

Ang stood up and walked over, taking Kevins hands and said, "Thank you. It means a lot to me." They hugged, then Kristin hugged her and one by one she hugged them all. All but Howie left sometime after that. He insisted on staying and seeing her to the airport. He helped her back to bed and kissed her on the cheek. "Sleep well, my lady. Tomorrow is a big day." He closed her door and went back downstairs where he and Dawn talked for hours. When Dawn went to bed, Howie slept on the couch anxious.

The next morning, Ang was the first up. She showered and headed downstairs. She saw Howie on the couch asleep and walked over and kissed him on the forehead. "Thank you, D, for being here" then she went to the kitchen and made breakfast.

The day went too fast. Ang and Dawn packed and Howie always seemed to be hovering nearby. At the airport, Dawn & Ang said goodbye. Dawn started to cry. "Angeline, please call me every day. I will worry if I dont hear from you." "I will, Dawn, I promise." Then Howie came over to say goodbye. "Please call me anytime Angel. No matter the time, or where I am. I will be here for you. I care about you deeply." He then kissed her on the cheek and when she started to speak, he pressed his finger to her lips. "Shhhwell talk later."

Ang got on the plane and turned and waved goodbye. Uncertain of when or if she would ever see her friends again or what the next few days would bring.

Her parents met her at the airport. They took her to their house, which seemed safest, and left her to unpack and call Marc. They spoke for an hour, mostly arguing which left Ang in tears. He told her she needed to come to his place, but she kept refusing. She finally agreed to meet him, at her parent's home, the next morning. She felt safer as bother her mom and dad would be home.

After dinner, she called Dawn to update her on the situation. Dawn thought she sounded scared, but didn't say anything. Dawn told her that the guys were really worried about her and Ang said she would call Howie in a few minutes.

There was no answer at Howie's so she left him voice mail. She said she made it home safely and was meeting Marc in the morning. Then she said not to worry and that she would call after Marc left.

After dinner, Ang went to her room to rest and decided to check her email. She pulled out her laptop and logged on. There was at least one email from each of the guys. She responded to them in one email and told them not to worry, that her parents would be home when she met Marc, and that she now had the confidence to put him out of her life for good.

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