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Jeremy was working as always.It was almost 6 am.He was relieved.Mike came out of nowhere and Jeremy got scared.
"Ahhhhh!!!!Mikey!!!!",Jeremy screamed.
"Sorry...",Mike said as he gave Jeremy a hug then a kiss on the fore head.
Jeremy blushed.
Mike thought it was adorable
'He's so cute and adorable and he's just...woah...',Mike thought.
The clock strikes 6 am.
"Yes!!",Jeremy said as he clapped his hands and hugged Mike.
Mike smiled at him.
Mike was madly in love with Jeremy,but he didn't want Jeremy to know.
Mike was too scared to tell Jeremy because he thought he was going to get friend zoned.
Jeremy grabbed his things and held them with his left arm.
Jeremy reached out for Mike,as if he were asking to hold his hand.
Mike smiled and grabbed his hand gently.
Mike then realized he walked instead of bringing his car.
"Hey um Jeremy..?",Mike asked.
"Yes,Mikey?",Jeremy said,looking into Mike's eyes.
"I walked all the way over here,mind giving me a ride?",Mike said.
"Well of course!!Anything for my Mikey!!",Jeremy said,blushing.
They smiled at eachother.
Jeremy opened the car door for Mike.
"Wow Jerebear,am I a princess to you or something?",Mike said as he laughed.
Jeremy laughed as well and kissed Mike's cheek.
Jeremy got in his seat and started driving.
Jeremy was humming while Mike gazed out the window to look at the stars.
Mike then had a thought.
Just Jeremy and Me...
I want to stay with him.
He's cute.
He's just...
Mike kept thinking when Jeremy stopped the car.
"We're here!",Jeremy said,as he looked at Mike's house.
He was kind of confused though.
"-hey um Mikey..???",Jeremy said.
"Yeah?",Mike replied.
"Why are bottles of beer all over your yard?",Jeremy said.
Mike then paused and didn't respond for a few seconds.
He sighed and looked at Jeremy.
"My dad might've invited his friends over...",Mike sighed once more.
"Want to stay at my place for the night?My parents went out of town.",Jeremy asked politely.
"Sure!",Mike said, cheerfully.
Jeremy gave Mike a loving smile.
Mike's heart melted whenever Jeremy smiled at him.
They arrive at Jeremy's house.
Jeremy opens the door and walks Mike around the house.
"Make yourself at home!",Jeremy said.
"Thanks.",Mike smiled.
It was about 6:10 a.m.
Jeremy was sleepy.
"C'mon Mikey,we have to sleep now.",Jeremy held Mike's hand and showed him to his room.
They both laid on the bed.
Mike couldn't sleep.
Jeremy was all he thought.
Jeremy scooted closer to Mike.
"M-Mikey..,can you s-sleep...?",Jeremy yawned.
"Nope..",Mike yawned as well.
Jeremy leaned over and kissed Mike.
He pressed his lips against Mike's lips.
Neither of them wanted to stop.
Jeremy moaned a little bit.
They both smiled.
Mike then got up and took of his shirt.
Right away,Jeremy started to blush hard.
"It's getting hot in here,Jerebear,you should take off your shirt too.",Mike said.
Jeremy nodded his head and got up.
He slowly took of his shirt.
Mike blushed.
Mike also got a..."boner"...once he saw Jeremy without a shirt.
Jeremy finished,threw his shirt on the floor and stretched.
'His chest was perfect.
The light through the window made his chest perfect,even thought it is perfect already.',Mike thought.
Mike got up,came close to Jeremy,and threw him on Jeremy's bed.
"M-Mikey...?,what are you doing...?"
"'ll see~",Mike said seductively.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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