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I am soooo sorry that i havent posted guys, its been ages i know. I have just been going under alot of stress.

Im trying to keeo things up but with school and stuff its really hard but im not going to give up on you.

Im going to take a break untill 2016 just so i can think things through...
My thoughts on having a new schedule are one chapter a month. This is because it will give me time to think, write and eddit the stories whilst keeping up wwith my social life.

Send me feed back with this below.

Now thats out of the way, i also want to keep updated with you guys now and by doubg this. At the end of every chapter (including this note) i want you to tell me something about your day (be it good or bad).

I also would like feed back in there too so you can tell me your ideas on the new chapters and even NEW STORIES.

Ill see you soon

Till then..
Keep Toasted my Toasties xx

Jeremy x Mike (FNaFWhere stories live. Discover now