Chapter 3-

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The Gift

Mr Norman told Francesca and Bethany to stand at the front of the class.

"Share it to everyone you two, I'm sure they would like to know as much as i do." Said Mr Norman.

Beth and Fran stood there like dummies they,well Beth did not want to read the note out loud.

"We are all waiting and ready. Come on we don't have all day as you can tell i have a class to teach."

He announced as he leaned against the back of the class.

Charlotte and Abigail were exchanging looks they hoped that Bethany wasn't going to spoil something they had planned.

"We should have just read the stupid textbook!" Said Abi to Charlotte angrily.

There was no reply. Charlotte was too focused on Francesca and Bethany.

Francesca looked at Bethany waiting for her to make the first move however her face went as red as a baboon's bottom and as soon as Fran looked away she realised that Bethany was rushing towards the door.

Mr Norman said confusingly "Well...?.. That was unexpected."

Francesca shouted "Beth wait up."

And before Mr Norman could excuse Fran she was already heading out the door.


Bethany's View

"I did not want to let out the secret between Me, Abigail and Charlotte. They would have expected me too but i strongly didn't.... Thank goodness. Eventhough I had to run out of Mr Norman's class for the sake of it. The secret was Francesca's sweet 16 present the thing we got her was an....Oh no she behind me got to run."


Francesca's View

"I really don't know what just happened? Bethany could have just made something up if it was that personal. But really what could be so possibly bad or embarrassing that she could not share with me just the plain old me she has known since PRESCHOOL. But hold, hold, hold up didn't she just share the precious secret with Charlotte and Abigail!!!!!!
Oh well now poor old Beth has some damn good explainig to do. No wonder she's still running but seriously doesn't the girl get tired."

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