A Broken Arm is the Least of My Worries

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Sierra yowled in fear. I twisted in a horrible attempt to catch myself. There was a loud snap as my left arm took most of the impact, the rest of my body following. I cried out in pain as Sierra landed near me, having jumped out purposely after I fell. She licked my face in an attempt to comfort me. I stayed where I was, but gently touched her fur so she knew that I didn't blame her. The two guys ran over to me. One went to pick me up, and Sierra growled viciously.

"Calm down, I'm sure they just wanna help." I told her.

He picked me up bridal style. Sierra followed. I tried to calm her.

"Hush, Sierra. I'm okay. And it wasn't your fault. I was the one who tried to ride you into battle. Okay? It was my fault. But next time don't jump after me!"

She whimpered. I smiled at her.

"I'm okay. It isn't that bad."

She growled.

"Don't growl at me young lady!"

Her head and tail drooped.

"It's okay. Calm down."

She perked up again. Suddenly a wooden door shut her out of my sight.

"No! SIERRA!" I yelled.

An angry roar responded. Sierra was not a happy kitty cat. The guy slapped a hand over my mouth. I bit him. He slapped me, as if it was a reflex. A wall of black and white fur knocked me out of his arms. I grabbed her with my good arm, holding on for dear life. She stood in a defensive position over me.

"Thank you Sierra." I whispered to her.

A guy that looked like Sam came out from behind the desk in the room.

"You couldn't have let the cat in, could you?" He scolded the guys.

"You said- Sorry sir." One said apologeticly.

Sierra continued to growl. I put a hand to her stomach.

"Shh..." I whispered. "Let them argue in peace."

"So you're Karlei?" He asked me.

"Yes. Sierra, help please?"

She let me sit up and curled around my back to have her head in my lap. I rubbed her head.

"Would you like to explain why the authorities found a wolf dead near your home?"

"It attacked me without any provocation. What was I supposed to do, let it kill me?"

"That wolf was a beloved friend of my family."

"And? It attacked me."

Sierra growled at him. He growled back.

"Do you and that one girl take lessons together? Your wolf impression is impressive." I asked.


"Someone needs a chill pill." I muttered.

Sierra stood up, and I did as well.

"It was nice to meet you, but I must be leaving."

"You aren't leaving." He responded calmly. "You are going to stay right here."

"Don't make me jump out of the window."

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me." I turned around and walked towards the window.

He dove to grab me, and Sierra bit him. Hard.

"Ow!" He yelled.

I spun and walked out of the room. Sierra followed smugly.

"Get her!" He yelled.

I jumped onto Sierra's back. "Onward! Let's go home!"

Sierra ran down the stairs, terrifying all of the people she passed. Until the door slammed in my face. Ow. Tears ran down my face as I, once again, fell on my broken arm. It didn't feel very nice. Sierra took an offensive position towards the people surrounding us. Sam was just over at the stairs.

"Karlei?" She yelled in confusion. "DAD! WHAT THE HECK IS KARLEI DOING HERE?"

"Breaking my arm." I muttered angrily.

"She is responsible for Tom's death." Someone replied, baring their teeth at me.

"I don't think she meant to, if she did." Sam retorted.

Without meaning to, I zoned out. Who was Tom? Was he the wolf they were talking about? Thinking of wolves.... Why did they seem to be bigger lately? Some of them were prettier. Some... not as much... But I had a tendency to avoid all wolves. If they were hungry, they would attack on sight. But on further problems.... I couldn't work anymore. My left arm was used to pull the string back.... and it was broken. Real nice. Plus, I would have to go to the hospital. My bills were going to go through the roof.

"Hey!" I felt pain flash through my arm again as I snapped out of it.

"What?" I asked warily, using Sierra to stand.

"You are going to the dungeons." A guy retorted.

Dungeons? Really? What was this, the fourteenth century? No.

I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm going home."

"No, you aren't." One of the guys growled.

"Alright, what the heck is with the wolf impressions? Stop growling like animals and act human, god." I huffed.

Sierra rubbed against my side, reaffiming my statement. I rubbed  her black and white fur calmly, not really worried about these weirdos. Sierra could eat them for all I cared. Besides, they didn't know what I knew, I thought. 

One of the guys stepped forward, reaching for me. Sierra snarled and bit at him, making him back off. A guy walked into the room, then growled at the other guys.

"Back away from the girl." He snapped.

They respectfully backed away. He came over to me. Sierra growled, but he growled back. He looked into my eyes, and I glared.

"I demand you let me go home." I snapped with the authority of a huntress.

He continued to look at me, then shook his head. "She's human? How?" He turned and walked away, "let her go, it isn't worth the fight."

"But, sir-" One began to protest, but was cut off.

"I said, 'let her go!'" The male snapped.

The guy sighed and opened the door. I sat on Sierra and rode home. As we went, I silently cried into her coat in fear, pain, and an unexplainable sorrow.


He y'all! I'm sorry bout the wait, but I finished!! So, whatcha think?

1. I'm really sorry, could y'all forgive me? *puppy eyes*

2. Why wouldn't they let her go?

3. Who was the guy that told them to let her go?

Bye y'all!

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