Chapter 2

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The photo of him is actually how i picture him in this chapter and the previous one but much more messy and untidy but who am i kidding he is so fucking hot even if he is messy and all.
I hope u enjoy this story so far. There is so much more to this.


Zayn ! Hey its me . Liam. Would you mind opening the door? Please?" Liam kept knocking and wouldnt stop. He knew Zayn was at home . He saw him walking back to his apartment after his therapy session. He came to his house 4-5 times a week for the past 6 months and Zayn just wouldnt let him in the house. He either would just ignore him knocking on his door or text Liam telling him to give up trying or stop disturbing him.

"Zayn its been 6 months . You need to stop this. If she is gone doesnt mean that your life is gone too. gotta stop doing to us man. we miss you. Alot. How long are you going to do this to us? I just wanna know if you are okay. I'm your best friend and i deserve to know if you are alright . Thats all im saying. " Liam waited for him to respond and still there was none . He turned away from the door , already walking to the stairway. He decided he would come back next time. He wanted to give up and just forget about Zayn's existence just like how Zayn didnt want to see or talk to his friends but he knew he couldnt do that and he also knew that Zayn would soon be back to being friends with them again . He just got to be patient and wait for that time but he also cant wait because he miss his best friend alot and wants to know if he could help him to feel better. Suddenly the door opened and Liam stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Zayn leaning against the door's side frame looking down at his legs. What he saw killed him . His best friend was so thin and pale, his eyebags were very obvious , his hair was messy and his facial hair was not shaved not that he ever did before but it was just so messy . Zayn always made sure his facial hair was neat but now it was so untidy . Zayn looked up and Liam was met with eyes that were bloodshot and it hit Liam real hard .He realised that his best friend has been crying.

"Zayn--, I-urmm. Its been so long. " Liam thought that if he had the chance to see Zayn again he would have tell him every single thing that he had planned during his sleepless nights thinking about how his bestfriend is doing . Now that he actually saw him , he was literally speechless. This is not the Zayn he knew . Yes he was mostly quiet but he has never shown this depressing side of him. Even if he was sad he just knew how to hide it. This was too new to Liam to deal with.

" Can i come in? " Liam asked in a very soft tone . So soft it was almost like Liam was scared if he had talked with a louder tone Zayn would just shut the door and ignore him for another 6 months or more and he didnt want that. Getting him to finally open the door was such a big miracle for him. He just cant lose this opportunity to see him. Zayn nodded his head and moved aside to make way for Liam to come in. Liam sat on the couch and Zayn sat on the other couch right across Liam. They both were very silent but the thing is even if it was very quiet they both were glad to see each other . Zayn miss his bestfriends as much they miss him. It was hard for him to shut them out for 6 months. Even if Zayn was going through a tough time and needed his best friend he just didnt want to burden them . He knew no one could help him except for her.

" You are taking this too hard on yourself Zayn. I mean you shouldnt blame everything on yourself. You were amazing to her . I know that , everybody knows that. Even her. We can never know what can happen in the future. Things happen but we also need to know unhappy things happen too. Thats how life works and we just cant stop everything just because we cant deal it well. We just have to move on. Look i really dont know how to make you feel better and get you out of this shit situation but i know that you wont be like this forever. You will find someone or maybe not but you will be happy again. Thats all i want you to be ,Zayn . Happy. You dont deserve this crap shit life. You deserve a change and you will only get it if you start talking to us or someone else and forget about her." Liam was relieved he finally got that off his shoulder. He finally said what he had been wanting to say to Zayn for the past 6 months. The thing he was afraid of is Zayn's response. He knew Zayn is a good listener but at this moment he just doesnt really know this guy infront of him.

" I have been seeing a therapist . She tells me a load of crap . I mean i never really talk alot during the sessions but the paintings in her office are kinda nice to look at other than the walls of this crappy apartment." Liam was so happy to finally hear Zayn's voice . Although his voice sounds very raspy and dry maybe because of the crying from earlier that made Liam wanted to ask what was it about even if he already knew whom it was about but Liam is letting it go he finally decides to talk and he just doesnt want to make things worst .

" You know you could get much better view if you stop staying in this apartment. You are always welcome to come over to my house or we could go to Marshall's and have a few beers. Just like old times." Liam said with a slight smile hoping Zayn would agree on hanging out with them. Zayn looked at Liam and finally heaved a sigh . He slowly nodded his head and that immediately put a huge smile on Liam's face.

" Just like old times. I'll see you guys this weekend but -urmm."

" What is it?"

" Just tell the guys not to be all sympathetic shit and all. Just be like old times. Before i even met her. Especially Harry. If he says a thing about her. Im leaving. " Zayn looks at Liam with a stern fave showing that he is being serious.

" I promise. I promise nothing like that will happen. I promise you will not regret coming" Liam said with much confidence. Showing as if he was very sure the night will go as planned. He was determined to make it the best night for Zayn. This was the only way to make him come alive from the dead .Zayn needed this.

He needed to feel real again.

So the next chapter we are going to the past and really see what the hell really happened and who is Gia. This is not aome kind of vanpire story . Nope. Just a normal story with normal ppl. I would love it if you guys would comment ur opinion and fav this story. I would appreciate that alot. Thank you and love you guys alot❤️❤️❤️

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