chapter 10

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Back to the island

"SKY!!!!!!!!" screeched Mareesha pounding on her friend Skylar's front door

"Yes mare" Skylar said calmly


Packabagandshoeslotsofshoeswehavetogettojosiesquickly" Mareesha rushed her words. She didn't know when this other person was coming so she and sky better not be late

"Ready" sky said suddenly dress and holding a bag that seemed to appeared from nowhere

"Lets go then" Mareesha grad her friend and ran as fast as she could to Josie's

Time skip of 10 minutes

"Their late their very very late or maybe I'm early or late I'm so they left darn the commander why didn't she tell me what time to be here. Haru mumbled to herself while stuffing another bite of pie in her mouth.

"so you must be Skitty friend I'm a right" Haru moved her gaze from her pie to the two girls or should I say half girls half animals. The first girl would look human if not for a bushy orange tail and fox like ears which were sitting upon her head and the carrot colored hair flowing from it nearly to her knees but held back in a braid. The second look very cat like pale white and gray fur covering her head to toe shoulder length hair white as snow but had various blue and pink highlights through it.

"I'm Skylar hill" the first spoke" and this is Mareesha rare" pointing to the second

"I'm Haru nice to met you" Haru said still a bit surprised by the girls

"Haru what" Mareesha said rudely

"Just Haru" Haru said a hint of sadness in her voice

"Well Haru its nice to meet you but we've better get going if we want to get to the fairy kingdom in time or else well have a war on our hands" sky said still smiling as though she said its time for ice cream it reminded both Haru and Mareesha of the commander they shivered at the thought of her

"Your right Skylar we should get going" Haru said

"Yeah I guess" Mareesha sighed

As they all got up and left one thought rang through their heads 'time to kill a queen'.

Fire can burn though wingsWhere stories live. Discover now