Chapter 1

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Hey guys I really hope you enjoy this new story. This is about Bryn and the experiences she goes through in high school...good and bad. It took me a while to be able to come up with this idea. Just so you all know, this story is going to be based off of my real life experiences. The names will be changed and the experiences will be different but it will be realistic and parts of it will be very true. Please don't just read a page and forget about it. Bullying needs to be brought into some light and I think that this is a great way to get some stuff of my chest and bring the problem to someone's attention. I hope you all enjoy it and thanks for reading!


My name is Bryn Radner. I am 14 years old and I go to St. Stephen's Catholic High School. I am a Freshman and I've gone through a lot in the past few months. My mom suggested writing about things. She knows all too well that there's no way I'm going to tell her about my problems. She told me that if I can't talk to her, maybe I can write. I've loved to write ever since I was a little girl. There's something interesting about my writing style though because no matter what I do, I can't seem to be able to write that nice happy ending. It's like everything that's running through my mind can only end in tragedy.

Ever since I can remember, my stories have had a sad ending. Even when I was five years old. I wrote a story about the sun and the moon and how they were deeply in love with one another but could never truly be together because they were up at different times. The sun was depressed and so a genie came to him and granted him one wish. He wished that he could see the moon's radiant glow every night but the genie tricked him because he too loved the moon. The genie sent the sun to the earth as a man and the genie replaced him as the sun so that he could always be near the sun.

See what I mean...things always end badly in my stories. So...where do I start with this? I guess I'd need to go back to middle school. I had a few friends. The few I had were the best that anyone could have though. We cam up with our own group. We called ourselves "Team Honey Badger." Don't ask me why because I have absolutely no idea but for some reason I always felt safe in that group. We were, as we called it, the outcasts of the outcasts because even the outcast group rejected us. I had some really good times with them. That is, until 7th grade rolled along.

You see, my best friend had been dating this guy Tyler for about half a year. It didn't bother me in the slightest. After all, I set them up. I know, 7th graders can't technically "date" but they did so what can I say. I tagged along with them everywhere because Avery wanted me too (that's my best friend's name). We had some good times together and all was good and peaceful in the world. But suddenly, things started to fall apart. I guess this was more towards the end of 6th grade than it was 7th grade but what I mean. Tyler was starting to get emotionally attached to Avery. Avery was looking to end things.

She told me that in the first week or so of 7th grade, she would find a day to break up with him. I went the whole summer hearing this information and worrying. I knew that Tyler was seriously in to Avery and so was she. Notice that I say was. As in, not anymore. Since Tyler was also my friend, I thought that it was unfair to him. I knew that he would only get more attached to her as the summer passed. Meaning that the longer Avery waited to break up with him, the harder it was going to be on Tyler. A few of my other friends picked up on the same thing and we tried to tell Avery but she had her mind set.

When the word got around to Tyler that she was thinking of breaking up with him, things started to spiral out of control. Somebody had leaked the information that Avery was thinking of breaking up with him. I won't say who because ,to this day, I have no idea who it was. Anyway, after I got word that Tyler knew, I realized that he hadn't come to school. His friend came to me and asked if I might be able to talk to him because he knew that Tyler wouldn't listen to him.

After school that day, I began my walk home just like any other normal day. When I was far enough from the school, I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. It rang a few times but finally Tyler picked up. He sounded awful.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little sick."

I was so relieved. We all thought that he might've been out of school because of the Avery situation. His own friend, Justin, even thought that he might've committed suicide. God, it's such an awful word to choke down. I knew Tyler all too well to believe that he might commit suicide, however. It was time that someone tell him the truth though. And as much as I hated betraying Avery, I had to be the person to tell him. I explained everything and he understood far more than I thought he would. He asked me to talk to Avery. Who was I to deny his request?

I hung up with Tyler and immediately called Avery, praying to God that she'd be home by then. When she finally picked up, I let out a breath that I had no idea I was holding in. I had to explain everything to her and it really hurt me to have to deliver the news that I had betrayed her trust. For the next half hour or so I spent my time on the phone transferring messages back and forth between Tyler and Avery. In the end they decided to break up. I had to deliver the messages of course and I honestly hated being caught in between them but I guess that's just how it goes.

I was so glad that it ended where it did because had that conversation continued, friendships would have been damaged beyond repair. I won't go into specifics about the conversation but I can say what happened the next day. Tyler came back to school and so did Avery. Everything was fine. At least that's how it seemed. Avery told me later that she was crushed about her break up. She did want to break up with him but for unknown reasons she was upset when they did break up.

For the most part, however, everything went back to the way it was supposed to be. However, things didn't say that way for very long. That weekend matters got to be worse...much worse because this is where Kelly comes into the story and believe me, you should be glad that you don't know her.


I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of "Sticks and Stones." Things are about to get much worse for Bryn and I hope you're all ready for it. By the way for those of you who know who all of these people are, meaning my friends from school, please don't comment the actual names of any of these people. They were changed for a reason! Thank you all for reading. You make all of this possible. :)


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