Training with Erza

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Lucy's perspective....

"Wow! That was a hard day of training," Wendy said as she made her way down the street. Wendy was right-the day was exhausting! Most of the girls in the guild went out for a huge training day today so we could each get stronger as we take on more job requests. I was really excited to train until Erza had us all training like we were going to war! (Flash back.......) "Okay everyone, let's get started on our training!" Erza screamed so everyone could hear. "First, we are all going to do a quick jog of about ten miles!" "TEN MILES!! OMG I can barely do one! How on earth can I go through with today if I can't even do this jog?! Well, I guess I better start running so I don't get left behind.... "Come on, Luce, you can do it!" Levy said, trying to get me motivated. "You're right! If I want to become stronger, I have to do everything in store for me today!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could. "That's it, now come on before Erza sees us slacking off!" Levy said with a scared face as if Erza really saw us. This jog wasn't easy at all, but by the time we were done, we were all exhausted. "Great job everyone! Now, everyone, I want you to all split up and individually work on your magic into making it stronger!" Erza said, requipping into her heavens wheel armor, and starting practicing one on one combat with Mira's demon soul. I went off to a quiet place in the woods so that I could practice alone. That's until Loke showed up... "Hey beautiful! Ready for training?" Loke said. "So what kind of training do you have in store for me?" I said, hoping it was nothing like Erza's. "Well, you and me are going to work on one on one combat as well!" He said with a huge grin on his face as if he would get by with it. "WHAT?! Loke, I think we all know you're a lot stronger than me!" I said with as much confusion as possible. "That's why we need to do it! So you can get stronger!" He said. "Ya, you're right..." I said trying to shake it off. "Okay, well, then let's go!" He said, still smiling. For the rest of the day, Loke and I fought. It was exhausting, but I really did learn some new moves! (Back to present) "At least you became stronger, child!" Carla said, rolling her eyes. "I can't wait to tell Natsu about what I did!" Lisanna said with a huge grin on her face. Why does she always have a grin on her face when she talks about Natsu? " I can't wait to get a bite to eat!" Cana moaned. "Are you coming with us, Lucy?" Mira said. "I wish I could, but I have rent due soon," I said, trying not to pout. "That's okay, Lucy!" Lisanna said, waking towards the guild. "I'll see you tomorrow then!" Levy said to me with a big smirk. "Okay, bye everyone!" I said. As I was walking home, I could hear Lisanna yell "Where's Natsu?" "He's not here, sorry," Gray replied.

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