Chapter Fourteen

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                “I’ll be in a meeting all day but if you need something feel free to call me ok?”Niall said over the phone as he hoped in the back of a black SUV where the rest of the boys were. “Niall, I’ll be fine.”Riley laughed in the phone. “I know but I want to be there.”He said a little dejected that he wouldn’t be there when she got her first Ultrasound.  The boys looked at him curiously wondering what he was talking about, well all but Louis who had a knowing smile.  “It’s fine. I’ll bring it by tomorrow ok?” He sighed. “Fine. Talk to you later Riley.”

                “Bye Niall.”She spoke and hung up the phone looking at Becca. “Ok are you ready now?” She asked impatiently. “Yes I’m ready mom.” Riley rolled her eyes. “Ok then let’s go. I’m so excited.” Becca said excited as Riley put on her sweatshirt, well Niall’s sweatshirt. It was baggy enough to hide her stomach and it was still too big. Becca happily dragged her out the door and to their car. “Oh my gosh are you Riley?”A girl asked as she and her friend walked up to them.

                “Um yes?”She answered confused. “You’re Niall’s friend from Ireland right?” Her friend asked. “Yeah that’s me.” Riley answered still confused. “Can we get a picture with you?” The first girl asked excited. “Why? I mean I’m not famous or anything.”Riley said looking at Becca for help. “Please.”The other girl asked giving her puppy dog eyes. “I mean I guess.” Riley shrugged not wanting to make Niall’s fans mad. “Will you take it?”The first girl asked giving Becca a camera. “Sure.” She smiled snapping a picture of the three of them. “Thank you!” The girls said together as Riley and Becca got in Becca’s car. “Awkward.” Riley sang as they drove away. The two of them then cracked up laughing.


                “And here’s the head.” Doctor Conwell said pointing to a screen. “Wow.”Becca smiled at it. “Riley that’s your baby.”She said to her best friend who smiled. “It’s too soon to tell the gender but we should know by your next appointment. Everything looks healthy so I’ll just print you off some pictures and we’ll call it good to go.” He smiled standing up. “Alright.” Riley smiled pulling her shirt back over her stomach and taking Niall’s sweatshirt from Becca. “Did you see him? He was beautiful.”Becca squealed as the doctor left the room. Riley laughed. “Now you’re starting to sound like the mom not me.”

                “Yeah well thanks for letting me be your stand in Niall.” Becca smiled as the Doctor walked back in with an envelope. “Here you ladies go. And I’ll see you again in six weeks Riley.” Doctor Conwell smiled at them. “Sure thing Doctor.” She smiled standing up and putting the sweatshirt back on.

                “Thanks for coming by the way.” Riley said to Becca as they exited the building. “Of course.”Becca smiled as they got in the car. “I just can’t believe it. It’s all happening so fast.” Riley sighed looking at the envelope in her hands. “Are you going to look at them?”Becca asked as they started driving home. “No. I’m going to wait till tomorrow and do it with Niall.” She decided. “That’s nice.” Becca nodded turning the radio on. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now