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With a sigh, Nezumi finished the chapter of :Mending the broken.
The story had gotten him so high strung, that he had become attached to the authors version of the characters. Small, helpless Sebastian and proud, popular Ciel.
"Hm, I've read all their other stories, I should follow them!" He thought to himself. Clicking their profile, he read about them.
His name was Shion.
And he was exactly like Nezumi.
So, without a second thought, he sent a message.
'Hi! I'm a huge fan, I've read all your stories and I've read your profile. We seem a lot alike, so I thought it would be a good idea to talk to you!' He typed. To say the truth, he was nervous for Shion's response.

A couple hours later, he received a response.
'Hi! I'm glad you like my stories! It would be cool to make some new friends.' Nezumi smiled.
"This guy seems cool." He said to himself.
Little did he know that this was only the beginning.

The beginning of my first Nezushi story! It's based off of true events and is actually v important to me. I hope you enjoy the story of how I, or in this case, how Nezumi falls in love.
Stay spooky,

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