My Dolly's Revenge

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This one is also mine. I feel lonely without anyone suggesting stories ;'(. XD
I typed this on my phone too, and since it's small, I'm having a hard time typing! Thank goodness for auto-correct!

November 25th, Lizzie's birthday.

It was such a joyful sight, her friends roaming around, the sight of the food table filled with such sweet treats, the stacks of presents.

I'm Christina, one of the popular girls. But I'm friends with Lizzie, she had been friends with me for a few years now.

"Lizzie! Come! The magic show is starting!", One of her girly girl friends came and invited her to join and watch the show.

I knew that every magician is fake, I've seen one fail before and it was such a delight sight. Quite funny if I do say so myself.

But I wonder often, if she was getting to old for this stuff. And..Well...I'm 14! Isn't this a bit too childish? Well my friends do so, A.K.A the popular kids in my school think so. And I plan to invite her to be one on her birthday!

A bit later on, after the magic show, it was time to open the gifts everyone has brought her. First one was her Aunt Gina, she got her a wonderful watch. Which I truly need! She loves her aunt so much.

Then came my Uncle George, who got her a book filled with fairy tales. Her Uncle George treated herlike child, and I wonder if he's going to stop.

Then came a popular student at my school, her name was Sofie, and she got Lizzie this cute doll. Although, I seem to think it's cute, but it's eyes were just creepy. It's long, brown, beautiful locks I adored. It's checkered red and white dress was just beautiful, her red flats matched her dress, as well as it's outstanding accessories. 

"Sofie, I do like it and all but, it's okay I don't want it.", She said to her as she tilted her head. "Oh? But don't you love dolls, like other kids do? I mean this doll was expensive you know!", She said, as I narrowed my eyes, as Lizzie swiped the doll from her. Sofie chuckled and walked over to her friends.

Even though I adore her style, her attitude was the worst. She's practically plastic! And I hated it! One time she dumped melted cheese on my friend, Courtney just for fun! How terrible was that?

Anyway, the party was over. All guests have gone back to their homes safely. Everything was cleaned up and Lizzie was tucked in bed, for it was already night.

All her presents were right at the corner, including that creepy doll Sofie gave her earlier....I wonder if she would be friends her someday. 

Ahem, after a few minutes of tossing and turning. She heard a strange voice, it's indescribable, but one thing for sure she got scared. As Lizzie brought my blanket over to my head, she heard the voice once more, but this time closer.

She slowly took a peek to see what was going on around her room but nothing. Lizzie took a quick glance at my clock to see, as it was already 12:00 A.M. Time sure flies by! 

As she sighed, she raised an eyebrow, due to a moving doll walking towards her. "Revenge.", It said as it twirled a knife and continued its way to Lizzie's bed. As it arrived it hid itself under the bed. A shiver has gone down her spine. This never happened to her before!

The next day, she was afraid to even leave her bed, I was sure that the doll was still there waiting for her. I thought of things if she set foot on my floor. It would slash her legs! Or maybe worse!

She waited for my parents to arrive to her bedroom, as she was shivering in fear that the doll may pop up and cut her into a thousand bits! I knew her parents were coming, because if they wouldn't she would be late for school.

A few minutes later, she took a deep breath and slowly placed her foot to the floor, and the other one as well. She ran to my parents bedroom, only to find them gone. As Lizzie took one more look around, she heard a loud thump in the closet.

As she narrowed my eyes, she slowly crept to the wooden closet. Dreading of what is there to discover. She reached out for the handle and opened it, as a bloody body had dropped onto her. causing her to drop on the floor along with it.

She lifted the body and found her mother on top of her dead. Her dear father was still in the closet, also dead. She didn't scream because I knew the doll would hear her and charged right at her!

She tried pushing her mother off of her but she was too heavy, must be the heavy meals she was having. Lizzie had took a look around to see if any objects would help but none. Then as Lizzie looked at the door, the creepy doll was there, twirling its knife.

"Why do you want Revenge! We didn't do anything to you! Please let me go!", Lizzie pleaded, but it smiled and walked closer to me. "I'm you mothers old doll. Back when she was a child, she always played with me, but then came this barbie doll. I was jealous, because she played with that doll everytime. Your mother placed me under her bed, then after a year she found me. I thought we were going to play like the old days but, it just never happened! You know what she did to me?!", It screamed as she felt a bit of a guilty feeling.

"She threw me at the garbage! And do you know what she said?! She said 'Wow, this brings me back before my barbie doll arrived! Hmph! I could still play with you, but I think you're garbage, and that barbie dolls are better. Don't you think Barbie?'.", It copied her mothers tone.

"But......Don't you think that someone could play with you? Other than my mother? ", Lizzie had asked. It frowned and said, "No! Your mother WAS my favorite owner! Before that BARBIE came! I felt such depression all these years! It was torture!", As it placed her knife on my chest, "And I want this family to feel my pain.", As it then pushed the knife with more force, the knife had gone deeper, creating a deep wound to Lizzie's chest.

Lizzie already had blood dripping from her mouth, as the doll laugh in excitement, "So, Lizzie. How does it feel? Enjoying my pain? Or do you want more?",The doll had said.

Lizzie shook her head, but the doll pouted and pushed the knife with more force! It was terrible. Soon the doll had left.

I was at home waiting for something, then the door flew open, it revealed the same doll that killed Lizzie. "Tina! You're back!", I said as I ran to the doll and hugged it. "Hi, Josie! Thanks for letting me leave the house for quite a while! I had to do business with Lizzie and her family. Just like you said right?", Tina had smiled as I just nodded.

She told me this story after we had a meal, I was the only one who ever knew that this kind of doll exists, because well..whoever saw Tina move or know that she exists, she kills them.

Except for me, I had swore to never tell, or I'll end up like Lizzie. And sometimes I wonder, if someone is reading this. They don't even know that this story is cursed!

And if you already know Tina exists. Make sure to have security around you. Goodluck!


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