Chapter 1

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"Matt, can you help me out with this box? It's too heavy ugh."
"Sure," he reached over to grab the biggest box and carried it away. He came back and sat on the floor next to me.
"So... are you scared?"
"Kind of..."
"Cara, I know you, and I know how hard it is for you to leave you're family, that you love oh so much."
"Fuck no. Look, I'm happy to be finally leaving. They'll finally get off my back and stop being so overprotective," I shrugged.
"You don't really mean that. I'd do anything to have parents that actually give me attention..."
I had almost forgotten that Matt's parents were going through a tough time with their marriage. They were so caught up with their own problems than to give their own son, my beautiful boyfriend, any of their time. On top of that, they were busy with their own jobs and making money to barely pay off the house, mortgage, and taxes.
"I'm sorry. I forgot about-"
"It doesn't really matter. I'm okay."
"But I mean it's only college. Plus I'll see them on weekends and holidays."
"If you say so..." he chuckled and pecked my cheek. I licked his nose and he brushed his lips against mine, making me smile. I sat on him and started kissing his lips feeling him breath against my neck. Before we knew it, we were making out on the floor. How romantic. Suddenly we heard footsteps coming and pulled apart. My dad walked in and asked if we were all ready to go. I combed my hair with my fingers and replied with a "sure." My dad left the room and I glared at Matt.
"What?" he laughed.
"My dad almost caught us. Jesus Christ, be more careful."
"Tell me again why you don't want your family to know that we're dating?"
"It's complicated," I sighed as I stood up and helped him up.
"Not really. We've been together for a year and a half already and you still haven't told them."
"I know. I know."
"So I don't want them to be overprotective about me. They think we're just friends and they don't have a problem with it. I don't know... it's just complicated."
"Really? They can't do anything. Like you said before, you're not going to see them as much and you're 18. You're basically an adult and you can make your own decisions already. They can't control you."
"Babeee, why do you do that to me? Make me feel guilty and shit. Ahhh," I laughed and buried my face into his chest. We started walking out and into the car and all drove to my dorm house to meet up with my mom and brother and sister, who were all already there. I know. Annoying. Embarrassing. Overprotective. Clingy. Just leave it to my family to do all of the above.

When we arrived, Matt and my dad helped unload my boxes into my dorm room. I walked in and the analyzed the empty cupboards and drawers and beds and counters. Wow. I'm going to live here. I'm going to have a great new life. I'm going to start over and have fun, unlike high school with so much bullshit and confusion. This isn't high school anymore though. I'm an adult. I'm going to start anew chapter of my life here. This is gonna be great. I'll finally -
"Oh my baby is such a big girl!"my mom interrupted my thoughts. She walked towards me with open arms and hugged me as she started balling her eyes out. I bit my tough and tried holding in my laughter. I love how my mom is so sentimental it makes me crack up. Sure, I'm going to miss my parents and my brother and sister, but I'll be okay. In high school, I was barely allowed to go out of the house and my parents always wanted to know we're I was. They always kept me home and urged me to study and get good grades. What they always expected was for me to be the best at everything. I was mostly pressured by my parents throughout high school, while also trying to fit into school and manage to survive fake friends and boys and drama and other confusing bullshit, but that's only high school. I'm hoping to make college life fun and memorable.
"So... I was thinking we could drop off Matt at his dorm and then we all go out and eat at Norms or something. Wait there's a Norms around UCLA right?" my dad asked. I saw the blank expression on my moms face. She burst out saying," We need to help Cara unpack her things and put them into place. You're already getting excited about eating! You just had McDonalds and you're asking for more!"
My brother, Aaron, and sister, Daisy, started choking on their cup of noodles. Daisy spilled her noodles all over the floor and I gasped. This is way too soon. Oh Lord, help me not make a fool out of myself in front of my new roommate. My sister rushed to get paper towels and cleaned up her mess.
"So no to Norms?" my dad asked.
"Que nooo te dijé," my mom scolded. Eeww old people love.
Matt burst out laughing and my mom glared at him. He glanced over to me and I grinned trying not to laugh. Mom and Daisy were busy unpacking my clothes and women necessities while Aaron and Dad continued unpacking and unloading boxes. Matt and me just kicked back on my bed and listened to music as my annoying little slaves worked their asses off.
Soon enough they were done and decided to go to Starbucks.
"How does Starbucks sound?" my mom suggested with relief after I was all set.
"Me and Matt are going to wait and stay so we can greet and help my roommate set her things up."
"I'm proud of you Cara. You're so responsible and I couldn't be any prouder of you," she choked on her tears and hugged me,"I love you so much baby." I rolled my eyes.
"So the plan is, we're going for Starbucks. Then we are going to come back and drop off Matt to his house and leave you with your roommate. We're going to check on you sometimes during the day this week and then let you live your college life and see you on the weekends. Now, you and Matt be good and be safe, okay?" We nodded and they left.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked Matt as I sat on him.
"I have an idea," he smirked leaning down over to kiss me.
"Me too," I winked at him and kissed his cheek.
"Let's take a nap."
"YEES. That's what I was thinking," I chuckled. We cuddled on my bed and just layed there without saying a thing and soon enough, fell asleep.

"Hello?" I heard a voice. I was unaware of what was going on. I rubbed my eyes and found my roommate unpacking her things.
"Oh. Oh," I stuttered poking Matt's side. Matt got up and saw my roommate with wide eyes. We both got up and apologized.
"Hi, my name's Cara and this is my boyfriend, Matt. Umm... So I'm your roommate," I smiled extending my hand to her as Matt waved. She shook my hand and smiled," My name's Sarah. Nice to meet you."
"Do you need help unloading your stuff?" Matt asked.
"Yes, thank you guys. My boyfriend was supposed to meet me here, but I guess he kinda running late."
"It's no problem at all. I'm here to help anytime." Matt and I went outside to help her get her boxes and put them by her bed. When we were done unloading, Sarah's boyfriend finally arrived.
"Bitch you're late," she laughed running to him.
"Sorry babe I got caught up in traffic."
"There was no traffic."
"I dozed off," he exclaimed.
"Now you have to help me unpack my things."
"Anything for you," he smiled.
"Oh by the way, guys this is my boyfriend, Josh."
"Hi," he waved at Matt and me.
We smiled and replied," Hey."
Then we all went inside and helped Sarah with her things. Before we knew it, it was dark and my parents had come to take Matt to his dorm. Everything was great. It was pretty legit.

guyssss that was the first chapter of The Misunderstood! i hope it was good and that you guys liked it :))
i'm finally back and i have so many ideas for my stories. chapter 2's gonna be good just wait and see. hehe and hopefully i can get that up by FRIDAY since this week isn't too busy for me. anywho, vote, comment, share, etc.

love you lots ,
- lupita

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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