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TaeTae felt his stomach grumbled. It was time for his lunch, but his bowl is empty. His owner did not give him food and it made him hungry. He ran upstairs towards the Jungkook's room. The door was closed and because TaeTae is just a small puppy, he could not reach the door knob. He whined and scratched the door with his paws. He gave a bark when he receives no reply. He barked again, but still the door is closed. TaeTae paced back and forth. He laid down outside the door and waited. He waited and waited until 7pm where it was time for his dinner. The young boy's door is still closed and his stomach is growling. TaeTae gave a weak bark. He whimpered and went towards the kitchen. He stared at his clean and empty bowl that has his reflection staring back at him.

Suddenly, he heard a noise. It was soft but TaeTae heard it clearly. His ears perked up at the sound but the sound disappeared. He waited. He jumped towards the direction when he heard light footsteps. He spotted a pair of green eyes staring back at him from behind the couch and ran towards it. He stopped when he finally found out what it was. The same black kitten stared at him. TaeTae gave a growl and get ready to attack the kitten.

Why are you here? This is my house!

The other copied his position, his nails could be seen poking out of his paws. TaeTae barked GET OUT as he attacked the kitten. The kitten hissed and rolled backwards when the dog jumped on him. He fought back and the two of them rolled on the floor with a mixture of barks and hisses.




The kitten heard footsteps coming from upstairs and quickly ran away through the small door that was made for TaeTae. The dog panted and wanted to run after it but he heard someone gasped.

"TaeTae! What have you done?!" The boy watched in horror as he saw the back of the couch tore, a vase fell and broke and his precious toys fell out of his toy box with some of them broken. TaeTae looked around and laid down, scared. He did not notice those when he was fighting with the kitten. The young boy lifted him up and opened the main door. He threw him out and closed the door immediately. TaeTae turned around and ran into the small door, but the door would not budge. He pushed and pushed, but it still did not open. He whined and barked. LET ME IN! I'm sorry!

"Go away, TaeTae!" Jungkook shouted in anger.

TaeTae felt tears in his eyes. For the first time, he got kicked out by his owner, by his only family. He felt betrayed. He sat down outside the door and shivered in the cold. He looked around and saw nothing but empty streets. It's cold and dark. He felt lonely, hungry, tired and sad. He stood up and walked along the pavement. It is not his first time because he always went for a walk with his owner. Thinking back about the times he walked with his family, he felt sad. They were very happy at those moments, now there will not be more moments like those times. 

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