Pure-blooded Balls

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"What the hell were you thinking?!" Hermione cursed under her breath "of course that isn't the answer! You learnt what a boggart was in third year for goodness sake! Well before that if you count many nights about reading about them in the library."

Anyway that wasn't the point, now people were snickering in her direction because she got the answer wrong. Sometimes she would really like to tell the insufferable slytherins just what she thought of them. She would like to tell them about how their 'pure' blood didn't make them bloody fantastic or the best wizard or witch, she would like to tell them that the sun did not shine out of their arses and that they should go a dig a hole and bury themselves in it. Especially that foul Draco Malfoy.

Even some Gryffindor girls even fall at the idiot's feet. What the hell is their problem? I mean sure you could stay staring into those grey eyes forever, and she wished that she had him hair and his tall, lean frame. Even she, Hermione Granger, found him attractive. But seriously, all of the attractiveness seriously crumbled as soon as foul creature opened his mouth. I mean not only are his comment slightly stupid sometimes, but he is so insulting. His insults don't hurt me anymore, I don't feel like crying in a corner whenever he calls me a mudblood or an insufferable know-it-all. I just ignore him, role my eyes and continue on smashing him in every single piece of assessment that we do. That certainly make me feel better.

"Sorry, Miss Granger, that isn't correct." Professor exclaimed, frowning slightly, disappointed that his star student had made an elementary mistake "a boggart is in fact," he began turning back to the rest of the class "a shapeshifter that usually lurks in dark places, and has no definite form. In fact they are known to take the shape of that which is feared most by the person who encounters it"

The bell rang seconds after he had finished explaining the true answer. Students began rolling up their parchment, packing away their quills and ink and putting them in their satchels.

Professor Belby raised his voice of the din "I want an essay of 3 rolls of parchment on boggarts, how to repel them and any other shapeshifter of your choice on my desk by next lesson!"

A few heads nodded, while afters shrugged knowing that they weren't going to bother and just deal with the consequences. However, Hermione turned to her diary and added it to the list of things that she had to do that night after dinner. She finished putting her books in her satchel and hurried towards the door (she didn't want to be late for Herbology). However, as she did so someone roughly slammed into her causing her neatly packed books and quills to tumble from her satchel. She bent down and hurriedly picked up her spilt belongings. She looked up at the person who had bumped her, presuming that it would be Neville (he did always get rather oblivious to things around him when it came to Herbology), but instead a pair of amused grey eyes looked down at her.

"Hello, mudblood," Malfoy said, smirking "it's about time you bowed down at my feet!"

Hermione got up with all the dignity she could muster and then swiftly kneed him right in his pure-blooded balls. As he fell to the hard floor grunting with pain, Hermione smiled to herself and continued her stroll to the greenhouses.

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