let's go get maddie

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It's the next day me and meek woke up to go get in the shower.And mackenzie and marisa was still sleep.We woke them up and put them in the tub.And mackenzie and marisa just started crying out of no where.So me and meek asked what was wrong.Mackenzie said well we miss maddie she's there by herself.Then Marisa said we stayed together.And that's not fair to her.So me and meek got them dressed.And got dressed ourself.Then we brushed our teeth.We rushed down to the adoption center and we got maddie.Maddie looked like she was five she had very long hair.And pretty eye.Me and meek fell in love with her. Every thing we did for Mackenzie and Marisa we did for Maddie. So meek ask maddie what color did she want her room and maddie said she wanted her room to be blue.So we went to the store and got pink blue and purple paint.We got all different color spray paints.So that they could go crazy.So the kid were happy to be together.And me and meek were happy that they are happy.

nicki minaj/meek mill/there three daughtersWhere stories live. Discover now